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Early in 2011, the Rotary Club placed an advertisement in the local paper to announce a meeting would be held on 2 March, 2011 to determine the need for a new Combined PROBUS Club in Engadine. That meeting was attended by over 130 Rotary Club members and visitors.

Using a PowerPoint presentation, the audience were given a brief overview of the history of PROBUS, its aims and objectives and the various activities open to members. After the presentation, a general discussion took place and it was clear there was overwhelming support for the founding of a new club.  The discussion then turned to the naming of the club. After several suggestions were considered, the assembly opted for the name Engadine Central Probus Club (this name was suggested by Janet Kendrigan).

The new club was duly formed with a foundation membership of 125. Its motto being  Friendship - Fellowship - Fun. Members accepted the proposed fee structure consisting of $15.00 joining fee and an annual fee of $35.00 to cover the running costs of the club. It was also agreed that $2.00 would be collected from members and visitors to cover the cost of morning tea provisions.

The Engadine Bowling Club was confirmed as the venue for meetings which would be on the first Wednesday of each month at 10.00am.

An election of office bearers for the club’s inaugural committee then took place with the following being appointed:


President: Peter Mannyx   Vice President: Bob Owen
Secretary: Sue Ransom   Treasurer: Charles Summers
Bulletin Officer: Russ Waddell   Membership Officer: Margaret Widdicombe
Programs Officer: Christina Mannyx   Activities Officer: Marilyn Jones
Welfare Officer: Lyn Phillips   Hospitality Officer: Greg Mokeeff


At the club’s AGM in March 2012, members agreed that the club should be incorporated and accepted the proposed Constitution and Standing Orders. Members also voted to accept a proposal for the $2.00 monthly charge for morning teas be replaced by an annual fee of $25.00 for members. Visitors would be charged $5.00 per visit to cover their refreshments and other costs.


On 4th July members voted to raise the membership to 130 and to maintain the gender balance above 30% Males.