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Meetings are held every 3rd Friday of the month at 10 am. In February and March 2025 the venue will be Jack Dickey Community Hall 174 Green Lane West as the Ellerslie War Memorial Communiity Centre and Leicester Hall  are being renovated


Friday 21 March; Our AGM. folloed by a trevelogue from Hazel and Mike McLoughlin 'Around the World in 40 minutes'

Friday 21 February Our first meeting of the year and an alternative venue! Our Guest  Speakers Monica Subritzky and Tom Garcia from  Ray White Real Estate informed and advised us on the current property market. Thank you both  also for us the  delicious morning tea you provided


Fri 15 November: Our final meeting for the year. Dress 'Christmassy' and bring a small plate of finger food, please.

Fri 18 October: A Quiz with visitors from Panure Probus Club

Fri 20 September Guest Speker is Maire Leadbetter,Human Rights and Peace  Activist

Fri 16 Aug Irene Bicknell summarised her trip with Epsom Probus to the Cambridge Velodrome and Sir Tristram Stud Museum. Our Guest Speaker, Ailaoa Aoina from Pacific Social Services presented the many aspects of her work

Fri 19 July  Howard & Hilary entertained us with Australian songs and Janice Willis from Elderley Assist gave us practical tips on downsizing and decluttering

Friday 21 June. Kevin Stanley covered his interest in photography, articularly night time projests and circulated samples of his amazing bird studues. Mai and Charlotte from the College of Chiropractic spoke on personal backgrounds, training and the benefits of Spinal checks 

Friday 17 May.  Ann Skilling described her role as a judge of Burmese and Siamese Cats and  and students gave an insightful presntationBailey Road School Deputy Principal

Friday 19th April: Our 30th Birthday Celebration included a black and white theme, photographs and a singalong

Friday 15 March: Our AGM.  Speaker is Dr John Reynolds, Author.  Congrats and Thank you, Ted & Jean for your superb 60th Anniversary morning tea shout

Friday,16  February: Speaker is Sean Heenan from Glenbrook Vintage Railway


Friday 17 November: Our final meeting for 2023. A Scottish 'fling' complete with a Piper and our singalong group's Scottish repertoire. We exchanged Secret Santa gifts and enjoyed plenty of home baking for a late morning tea.

Friday 20 October: Sarah Freiberg from Harbour Sport spoke on Falls Prevention

Friday 15 September: Joan KIng's recent trip to the Cook Islands left us envious.  Willie Iosia from Blue Light outlined his Samoan background and his role in supporting at risk young people

Friday 18 August: Irene Howard related her experiences during her career with Airport Security. Rob High from NZ Red Cross described the history, activities and local roles of the RedCross/Crescent organisation.  We enjoyed his dynamic presentation

Friday 21 July:  Davis Funerals presented a comprehensive overview, We had a Fun Fur Day, parading our favourite fur finery. Howard & Leo enhanced the atmosphere with a great rendition of "Putting on the Ritz" A sumptuous morning tea was provided by Davis Fnerals

Friday 16 June: James Duncan gave a lively and  enthusiastic presentation on historic trams & the early development of  MOTAT  - Trash to Treasure

Friday 19 May: Mary Jones gave a mini talk on her adventures and explorations around Aotearoa.  Guest Speaker, Richard Blakeborough from Independent Living entertained us with humourous anecdotes and demonstration of several items to make life easier.

Friday 21 April: Our 29th Birthday was celebrated with a Quiz MC'd by Ann Skilling followed by Birthday Cake (cut by Foundarion and Life Member Rona Colbert) and a variety of 'plates' brought along by members

Friday March 17. Our AGM was held including presentation of President's and Treasurer's Report and election of officers. Our Guest Speaker, Brooke van Velden, Deputy Leader of ACT gave an interesting insight into her own career and discussed several issues of interest to our members. St Patrick's Day gave us a chance to wear the Green items in our wardrobes and enjoy creamy green on morning tea pikelets!

Friday 17 February: Our first meeting for the year.  Joan tallked about her Cruise around the South Is Coast in January and our Guest Speakers, Maria de Jong and Pamela Stone from 'Life Stories'  described the process of writing family history and Memoir


Friday 18 November: Our last meeting of 2022 was  celebrated with a catered lunch and a singalong led by Hilary and Howard and our singing group. 'Secret Santa' gifts were also exchanged

Friday 21 October: Judith Stanley spoke of her long involvement with the local Badminton Club. Guest Speaker was Karen Kilgour from Antiques of Parnell.  Members brought along several items for a show & tell and discussion

Friday 16 September:  Pauline McKinley shared her experiences in her Gift Basket business  Jenny Salesa outlined International Conferences she had attended and the aid projects to her native Tonga following the eruption and tsunami earlier this year

Friday, 19 August: Our mini Speaker Eunice Brooks described a scary flight back from the USA and Janice Chandler. at very short notice, displayed and described the many costumes she had purchased in Tunisia and Libya

Friday 15 Jul: Julene Burstall gave as an intriguing mini talk on a trip to North Korea. Our invited Guest Speaker was laid low with 'flu so we were fortuanete to have our longtime Member Ted Dickens who was willing to step in and talk on his busines experiece in China

June Meeting 17: Mikael Wills was both Mini & Guest Speaker and gave us a fascinating outline of his technician role on a cruise ship. Thank you for your musical interludes, too, Mikael

Friday 20 May: Bev Williams outlined her 'baby boomer' life and Norma Pretscherer described her early years and how she came to write her book 'A Skylark Sings'

Friday 22 April - Our 28th Birthday!  Yvonne Salesa talked about her visits to Samoa,  Hilary and Howard entertained us with song and we celebrated with a catered lunch

Friday 18 March: Our AGM followed the usual format with Office Holders and Committee unchanged - Please think about joining our Committee and contributing to the smooth running of our club. It's fun!

Our Guest Speaker was Graham Walton who gave an interesting screen show on the history of Eden Park

Friday 18 February. Our first meeting in 6 months! Val Jackson described her visit to the Gallipoli exhibition at Te Papa and showed us the woollen socks she had knitted from the souvenir pack.

Kathryn Trounson from BetterNZ promoted the benefits of EV's.


Friday 22 January: Picnic

Friday 19 February: First meeting cancelled

Friday 19 March: AGM. The 2020 Minutes, President's and Treasurer's Reports were moved and accepted.

Maureen Reed accepted nomination as President and was voted in unanimously. VP is Bev Williams. With no further nominations, all other office holders remain in their roles.  Ann Skilling moved a vote of thanks to Kevin Stanley for his 2 years as President and we thanked Fran Duncan who has resigned from the Committe after 7 years service.

We do need more Committee members to keep the club alive and stimulating. 

The Guest speaker, Dr Ian Alexander described & illustrated the history, environment & volunteering on Tiritiri Matangi

Friday 16 Apri:  Birthday Meeting. We celebrated with a Quiz and a special Morning tea provided by the Committee

Friday 21 May: Julie Chapman described her current lifestyle and her involvement with KidsCan

Friday 18 June: Anna Crane spoke on Macular Degeneration

Friday 16 July: Gillian Eadie gave a stimulating presentation on ways to develop and maintain a healthy memory.

Friday 20 August CANCELLED

Friday 17 September: CANCELLED

Friday 15 October Cancelled

Friday 19 November: tba


Friday 20 March is our AGM. cancelled

Friday 17 April:  We celebrate our Club's 26th Birthday. cancelled

Friday 15 May: cancelled

Friday 19 June: AGM and Birthday Morning Tea. Our AGM was held which included the President's and Treasurer's Annual Reports and Election of Officers. We welcome new Committee Member, Hilary Wills and farewell Suzanne Turner from the Committee.  Thank you Suzanne for your service

Friday 17 July: Guest Speaker is Janice Chandler on Uzbekistan and the Silk Road

Friday 21 August: cancelled

Friday 18 September:  cancelled

Friday 16 October:  NB Venue changed to Ellerslie Masonic Centre, 9 Roberts Street, Ellerslie

Ted Dickens on his career with Farmers

Friday 20 November: 

Mark Solo entertained us at our last meeting of the year