Our Origins
Formed in 1994, we started out as the Ladies Probus Club of Ellerslie. The club arose from the Sunshine Rotary Club of Ellerslie and the inaugural committee was appointed - they were unwilling to volunteer!
The first President was Laurel McLean, Vice President/Outings: Betty Wingrove, Secretary: Muriel Goodare, Assistant Secretary & Membership: Bev Crompton, Treasurer: Rona Fiddes, Assistant Treasurer: Melva Dunn, Bulletin: Joan Haines, Speakers: Dorothy Dines & Phoebe Erdman, Catering: Margaret Gower, Doris Rogers, Almoner: Olive Young Outings: Ray Gould. Muriel Goodare is still a current member.
John Hawkesby, who lived locally, was the first Guest Speaker. The first outing in July was to Westwind Theatre, Avondale for the movie "Mrs Doubtfire" and in October, Candyland in the Waikato provided a fun day out.
In 2010, gentlemen were invited to join the ladies and the name was changed to the Ellerslie Combined Probus Club.
From day one the meeting venue has been the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall. NB OUR MEETING VENUE FOR fEBRUARY AND MARCH 2025 IS THE JACK DICKEY COMMUNITY HALL, 174 GREEN LANE WEST
At our 25th birthday celebration in 2019, Life Membership Certificates were awarded to Rona Colbert, Muriel Goodare, Joan Haines, Val Jackson, Norma Pretscherer and Maureen Reed.