Friday 21 March: Hazel and Mike Mcloughlin will share their overseas experiences
Friday 21 February : Hilary gave us a colourful summary of her trip to Nepal.
Monica Subritzky and Tom Garcia from Ray White Real Estate advised and informed on the property market round Ellerslie
November: Entertainent with the Singalong group
October: No Speaker but a quiz instead
September: Mairie Leadbetter, Human Rights and Peace Activist
August: Ailaoa Aoina from Pacific Social Services presented the many aspects of her work
July: Howard & Hilary entertained us musically & Guest Speaker Janice Willis from Elderly Assist advised on Downsizing and Decluttering
June: Mai and Charlotte from the Chiropractic College gave a presentation on their personal histories, training and the benefits of Spinal checks
May: Deputy Principal & students of Bailey Road School presented an impressive description of the activities and achievements of their very vibrant school
April. Entertainment for our 30th Birthday from Hilary, Howard and the Singalong Group
March Dr John Reynolds, Author and film maker described a stimulating journey through his young life as a teacher in many different sountries.
February: Sean Heenan from Glenbrook Vintage Railway gave us an overview of the Covid setbacks and ongoing revival of the Steam Engine site and various rail trips available in the North Island
November: our Scottish themed finale is the last meeting for 2023, We enjoyed the rousing sound of the bagpipes and Anton's explanation of the history, costume and culture of Highland music, followed by Scottish airs from our own Singalong Group
October: Sarah Freiberg from Harbour Sport gave us good advice on Falls Prevention and had us up and energetic for balance and strengthening exercises
September: Willie Iosia from Blue Light described his Samoan upbringing and his role in assisting at-risk youth
August: Irene Howard described her career with Airport Security. Rob High of NZ Red Cross covered the history & activities of this international organisation
July: The team from Davis Funerals gave a very comprehensive & informative presentation
June: James Duncan from MOTAT gave a lively presentation on Tram history and the beginnings of MOTAT
May: Mary Jones on travel attractions around NZ and Richard Blakeborough from Independent Living had humourous tips on easier living
April: Kay Cossar-Stokes gave a mini talk on her summer trip around Northland. We celebrated our 29th birthday with a Quiz and morning tea of home baking.
March: Brooke van Velden, Deputy Leader of ACT outlined her career in politics and responded to several raised by members issues
February - Joan summarised her Cruise around the South Is coast in January, and Maria de Jong and Pamela Stone from 'Life Stories' gave fascinating examples of writing Memoir and family history
November: Joan King described her train holiday on the Edmund Hillary Rail Trip, around the South Island. Entertainment to end our busy year featured our Probus Singing Group led by Hilary and his favourite songs by Howard
October: Karen Kilgour of Antiques on Parnell gave an interesting outline of her career and showed some of her own favourite pieces. She also shared her specialised knowledge of several interesting items- brought along by members.
September: Jenny Salesa MP outlined recent international conferences she had attended and aid to Tonga post tsunami
August: Janice Chandler, at very short notice, described and displayed the wedding costumes she had bought in Tunisia and Libya
July Meeting: Ted Dickens at the last minute described his many visits to China as a buyer for Farmers Trading Co,
June Meeting: Mikael Wills gave an insight in,to his AV/internet role on Cruise ships
May Meeting: Norma Pretscherer spoke about life exeriences & her book 'A Skylark Sings'
April Meeting: Hilary and Howard entertained us musically to celebrate our 28th Birthday
March Meeting Graham Walton outlined the History of Eden Park
February Meeting: Kathryn Trounson from BetterNZ spoke on the benefits of EV's
February Meeting on Friday 19. The Guest Speaker, Gillian Eade on "Healthy Memory" CANCELLED due to Covid Level 2 restrictions
March Meeting on Friday 19. Following our AGM Howard Wills entertained us with amusing songs from his repertoire,
Dr Ian Alexander gave a fascinating history of Tiritiri Matangi along with superb photographs of the returning birdlife and environmental changes on the Island. Inspiration for a future Probus trip in the future?
April Meeting on Friday 16. Our 27th Birthday. Ann Skilling researched and organised a challenging, entertaining Quiz. We enjoyed a lavish morning tea provided by the Committee.
May Meeting on Friday 21. Irene described her recent visit to Culverden and surroundings where she accompanied her son on his stock run.
Julie Chapman spoke on her lifestyle and the reasons she set up and continues to lead Kidscan
June meeting on Friday 18. Elaine Rutherfurd covered her involvement with a Northland Charity, Bald Angels
Anna Crane from Macular DegenerationNZ gave a very insightful presentation on MD, making us more aware of our precious eyesight and ways to preserve it.
July Meeting: Mini speaker was Hilary who described her early years in music and travel. She finished with a beautiful song: My Lagon Love.
Gillian Eadie gave us positive advice on keeping mentally active and developing useful strategies for a healthy memory.
August Meeting: Cancelled
September Meeting: Cancelled
October Meeting: Cancelled
November Meeting: tba
February Meeting
Our Vice President Maureen Reed gave a mini talk on her trip back to the UK late last year. In two weeks she covered Edinburgh, via London, to Geurnsey in the Channel Islands, her birthplace.
The Main Speaker was Geoff Matthews, a school Principal with a passion for bee keeping. He gave fascinating insights into the life of bees, in and out of the hive, and his early experiences which developed into an ongoing busines of honey and beeswax production. We were not only entertained by his presentation but also amusingly informed on his lifelong interest.
Our March April and May Meetings have been cancelled
June Meeting
Suzanne displayed her beautiful quilts. We celebrated our 26th birthday with a catered Birthday morning tea. The main topic of the day: 'Lockdown' experiences.
July Meeting
Maureen stood in as mini speaker and described her lifetime hobby of knitting soft toys. She read her poem on Scarecrows Her favourite scarecrow was much admired as it was passed around the audience.
Janice Chandler gave a fascinating glimpse of her travels in Uzbekistan, a history of The Silk Road and a colourful display of the local dress and customs. Thank you Janice and Dave.
August Meeting
September Meeting
October Meeting
Norma Pretscherer described her family and childhood, growing up in the South Island. She promoted her new book, 'A Skylark Sings'.
Ted Dickens spoke on his career with Farmers. starting as a messenger and achieving the role of Chief Executive of Merchandise. He told many amusing anecdotes of his years with Farmers.
November Meeting
Mark Solo, guitarist and singer, entertained us with a wide range of songs accompanied by superb guitaring. We finished our year with a catered and delicious morning tea.