AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


            "Fellowship, Friendship and Fun"

That’s the Probus maxim and we strive to follow it –

often putting the emphasis on FUN.

As well as holding barbeques when we can, some meetings have a theme
(introduced by our Newsletter Editor).
It may be wearing or bringing something starting with a letter of the alphabet,
or dressing in a particular way.

Ten Pin Bowling has been popular in the past,
as well as our group attending theatre performances.

During the Covid restrictions,
committee members found that Zoom meetings worked quite well.

Visits to varied hotels and restaurants have been popular
recently as we have a chance to sit and swap yarns.
Not really good for the waistline but none-the-less enjoyable.


So come join us at the Warners Bay Sports Club 

If you decide to join, and we hope you will, then the Joining fee is currently $15 (to cover the cost of your badge) and the Annual fee is $30. This covers insurance, administrative costs and access to the bi-monthly “Active Retirees” magazine which is now delivered electronically.