Our Guest Speakers
In the past few years we've had guest speakers on such diverse topics as How the Internet works; Discussions of a personal journey through mental health; Negotiating the Aged Care options; Training and using Guide Dogs; Queensland dinosaurs; History of RAAF tactics in New Guinea; Discussions of Sexual Abuse and its consequences; History of Newcastle Harbour and numerous other topics of real local interest.
From this brief list, the variety of tolpics presented keeps us interested.
Throughout 2023 our Guest Speakers have covered these topics.
As you can see,VARIETY has been assured with these topics.
February 8th Ex Paramedic Michael Turner
April 12th Lee Baines Lake Macquarie Marine Rescue
May 10th Richard Stark Oz Harvest
June 14th Gary Herrett History of coal and coal loaders in Newcastle Harbour
July 12th Graeme Rowe Wespac Helicopter
August 9th Diabetes Educator - Annette Parker-Considine
September 13th Trudi Lee Client Service Officer Audika Hearing Services
October 11th Tricia and Peter from Clown Doctors
November 8th Asrtrid Hocking Hearts and Hands Community Development
For 2024 we've tried something different by using speakers from amongst our club members and also arranging a program asking speakers to talk on a specific subject at short notice. These ddeas have proven most successful this year.