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Our Guest Speakers

In the past few years we've had guest speakers on such diverse topics as How the Internet works; Discussions of a personal journey through mental health; Negotiating the Aged Care options; Training and using Guide Dogs; Queensland dinosaurs; History of RAAF tactics in New Guinea; Discussions of Sexual Abuse and its consequences; History of Newcastle Harbour and numerous other topics of real local interest.

From this brief list, the variety of tolpics presented keeps us interested.

As you can see,VARIETY has been assured with these topics.  Since then we've had the following guest speakers

Michael Turner Ex Paramedic
 Lee Baines                        Lake Macquarie Marine Rescue
 Richard Stark                   Oz Harvest
 Gary Herrett                     History of coal and coal loaders in Newcastle Harbour
 Graeme Rowe                   Wespac Helicopter
 Annette Parker-Considine  Diabetes Educator
Trudi Lee Client Service Officer      Audika Hearing Service
Tricia and Peter from        Clown Doctors
Asrtrid Hocking                 Hearts and Hands Community Development