Rockdale Theatre dates for 2025
Sundays: 23rd March - Night Must Fall; 15th June - The Explorer's Club;
31st August - Secret Bridesmaid;s Business; 16th November - Tons of Money
Theatre (with Earlwood-Canterbury PROBUS)
Annie - Wednesday, 30th April
Back to the Tivoli Concerts - Bankstown Sports Club - First Wednesday of every second month from 5th February
Wednesday, 22nd January - Lunch at Narwee Pub
Wednesday, 26th February - Trip to Audley Weir by BCCT bus; visit to Information Centre and Gift Shop; lunch at Audley Dance Hall Cafe
Thursday, 13th March - Premier's GalaLConcert at ICC Sydney
Wednesday, 21st March - Council spoonsored Seniors Concert at Bankstown Sports Club
Wednesday, 28th March - Zig Zag Railway
Wednesday, 23rd April - Georges River 16' Sailing Club, Sanoni Avenue, Sandringham
Wednesday, 28th May - ferry to Watsons Bay
Wednesday, 25th June - proposed lunch at Ultimo TAFE
Wednesday, 23rd July - proposed train trip to Gosford