November 2024
Hello everyone,
Apart from our monthly activities, it was lovely to see so many memberson our bus tour to South West Rocks. We started with a bright sunny dayand were to have had great weather until our last day coming home,when the heavens fell in.I have enjoyed our members company and friendship throughout theyear in the many and varied activities we have attended.As we do not have a meeting in December, I would like to wish everyonea happy festive season, stay well, safe and happy, and look forward toseeing you all again in January. Happy New Year.
Thanks, Joy
October 2024
Our CCC group at the Supercentre grew as the morning progressed. So lovey to sit and chat with members and find out interesting, sad and fun things they have done along their journey.
We attended a book launch by Dr John Irvine at Mingara which was sponsored by us, Berkeley Vale Probus, this being possible with a ClubGRANT from Mingara for Dementia week. About 20 of our members were present with a few from Forresters Beach. Dr John Irvine, then introduced his guest speaker Dr Bill Brooks from ‘Neuroscience Research Australia’. He spoke on Alzheimer’s and how they are starting to detect markers in the brain (and much much more) along with the work they are doing to find medication to slow or stop the decease. He reiterated the importance of socialising, friendship, exercise and keeping the brain active, trivia and puzzles etc being good things.
12 members went on a road trip to Canberra, stopping in Bowral for lunch and a look around the gardens, before heading to Canberra. We had wonderful weather each day, we visited Tulip Tops (an amazing garden), then some of us had lunch at the Australian National War Memorial before walking through the museum, which is a must see, they have done an wonderful job. The next morning we headed to the Arboretum, which unfortunately the café was closed, as it was hosting the end of year GWS dinner, this did not stop us taking in the view and the Bonsai Gardens before heading to Cockington Green Gardens, another wonderful place, but before walking around, yes, we had morning tea.
Back on the coast we did a shopping trip to LaVida Somersby to pick up some pressies, followed by a stop at Sara Lea for some bargains then lunch at Tall Timbers Hotel. Our Morning tea this month was at the Bamboo Buddha. Our monthly luncheon has been replaced by a Pie Picinic on Wednesday 23rd October at The Entrance for Probus awareness week.
All in all, I think we have had another good, fun and active month.
We would love to have members join our management committee to help lessen the load on anyone member, so please consider nominating.
Thanks Joy
November 2024
Apart from our monthly activities, it was lovey to see so many members on our bus tour to South West Rocks. We started with a bright sunny day and were to have had great weather until our last day coming home, when the heavens fell in.
I have enjoyed our members company and friendship throughout the year in the many and varied activities we have attended.
As we do not have a meeting in December, I would like to wish everyone a happy festive season, stay well, safe and happy, and look forward to seeing you all again in January. Happy New Year.