Ballarat West Probus Club Welcome:
Welcome to all members and visitors to the Ballarat West Probus Club website.
The name 'Probus' is a derivitive of the words 'Professional' and 'Business'. All Probus Clubs have a Rotary parent club however, are not-for-profit, non-sectarian and non-political clubs autonomous from Rotary. The aim of Probus is fun, friendship and fellowship and our Club has been enjoying these attributes for more than 20 years.
We are an active Club with many interest groups and social activities in which our members participate. Our General Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday each month at 10.00 am. The format of these meetings includes sharing information about interseting and informative topics and upcoming activities and events.
Our Club welcomes visitors and prespective members to meetings. Attendance can be arranged by contacting our Secretary via phone or email as per the 'Contact Us' option on this website.
Members have contributed to the contents of this site by sharing ideas and memories. However, because this site has limited functionality, blue 'hot links' are used to open the items you might like to visit.
When members have suitable content they would like uploaded to this microsite, they should email it to me so I can upload it to the site.
Thank you.