Member Profiles
1. Scroll down to the member you want to see
2. Click (or Tap) on the member to be selected
3. If requested, Choose a location for the file to be downloaded to. Suggest the folder download be used for computers.
4. Click (or Tap) to open the file.
5. Enter the password and the document will open.
6. Any questions? Call Rod Davies.
Current and Recent Past Members whose profiles have been written and who have agreed to have them published.
Recent (last 2 years) Past / Deceased Members
Clarke_Colin_P.doc (2023)
DonovanTony_P.doc (2024)
Godber_John_P.doc (2024)
Godber_John_E_P.docx (2024)
Graham_Bruce_2_P.doc (2022)
Neal_John_E_P.docx (2024)
Phillips_Marcus_1_P.doc (Sept 23)
Thomas_Jim_2_P.doc (2023)
Tredinnick_David_2_P.doc (2022)
Ryder_John_2nd_edition_P.doc (Past 2024)
Sharpe_Peter_P.docx (2024)
Sharpe_Peter_E_P.docx (2024)
Smith_Bryon_P.doc (2024)