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Special Activities

See Brian Gridley, our Acitvities Director, for details of Special Activities. One outing is usually held each month

Regular Activity Groups

Bike Riding

Meets every Wednesday from the Civic Centre car park at the back of the tennis courts on Mornington. Each week we have a 1hr gentle ride and have a 1/2 hr stop for coffee somewhere along the way. Every second week there is an optional ride from a starting point a short drive from Mornington. Rides are mostly along bike paths. Contact the convenor for further details. Beginners, prospective and new members are most welcome.

Convenor - Loop de Kort

Book Group

Meets Third Tuesday of the month at 10 am. Rotates around members homes. We present, share, and discuss books we have read. It is a free reading group with an occasional set book to discuss. Very social with a morning tea after each meeting. If you enjoy reading comer and join us.

Convenor Brian Pinder

Book Swap

At each General Meeting the ‘Book Swap Table’  is available to share books. More books are welcome.

Convenor – Wally Cato

Caravan and Cabin Group

The Group travels to 2 different sites each year. Attendees either stay in cabins or bring their own caravans.

Convenors: Graeme Dowley, Brian Adams 


Regular "Cooking for Dummies" classes are held.

Convenor: Ross Rufford-Sharpe


Regular golf events are held.

Convenors: Bruce Parish and John Ryder


Footy Tipping Competitions are held each year

Convenor: David Curtis 

Investment Group

Meets 2:00pm on the first Monday following the General Meeting

Convenor - Barry Steggall

Music Appreciation Group

Meets 9:30am Thursday week ( 9 days )  after the  Monthly General Meeting.  All genres of music are included.
All welcome. 

Convenor - Peter Hume

Painting Group

Meets 9.00am second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Room 5 at Mt Martha House.

Come along for a relaxed, creative morning. Bring your paints and your current project or just come along and join in.

Convenor: Rod Symmons.

Table Tennis

Meets 1:00 pm every Monday.

Room 18 Mt Martha House. New players and visitors most welcome. Contribution $4.

Convenor – Ross Rufford-Sharpe


Meets Thursdays at 9.00am

Social tennis at private tennis courts in Mount Martha. followed by afternoon or morning tea.

All standards of tennis players (past and present) are welcome. Contribution $2 

Convenor: Ray Budd

Walking Group

Meets 0830 every Monday

On the Monday following our monthly General Meeting, the group meets for a walk in Mornington commencing 0830 at the car park, corner of the Esplanade and Vancouver St. For those who wish to, this will be followed by breakfast with our coffee.

On all other Mondays, unless otherwise advised, we meet at the Mt Martha Village Green carpark at 8:30 am sharp for a gentle one hour walk followed, if desired, by a cuppa at a local coffee shop. A half hour walk is also available. Any and all members are welcome to come along.

Convenor: Bruce Badenhop

Wine Appreciation Group (WAGs)

Meets four or five times a year to sample a range of wines or sometimes beers or other beverages

Convenor: Steve Ellis