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Heritage tour for Booragoon

A group of members and partners of the Men's Probus Club of Booragoon enjoyed an incredibly interesting Woodman Point Recreation Camp Heritage tour which centred on the historic Quarantine Station site.


All participants voted it one of the most enjoyable and informative visit they had experienced. Not only that but we were served a delightful lunch. Our outings officer, Paul, is to be congratulated for organising such a terrific tour.

Our expert guide Earle, the beautiful Evelyn who prepared lunch and coach driver Frank who transported us around the site are all volunteers and members of the Friends of Woodman Point Recreation Camp.

The history of the old Quarantine Station is extensive. However, suffice it to say that it originated with a Colonial Secretary's Bill in 1833 concerning quarantine of all arriving ships and cargo.

The first recorded use of the Woodman Point site was in January 1852 when 226 civilians and military personnel suffering from whooping cough were landed.

First use of the Quarantine buildings erected between 1885 and 1886 was on 29th December 1886 when a ship arrived at Fremantle with two ases of scarlet fever aboard.

Buildings were updated during the First World War and have been used for Bubonic plague, smallpox, venereal disease and influenza epidemics. The station was used during the Second World War and through the fifties including fumigation of mail and imported items.

Buildings have now been restored and contain a treasure trove  of old photos and artefacts.