Fancy a cuppa?
17 Nov 2015
Here are members of Marmion Probus Club, enjoying morning tea at Noble Falls en route to Toodyay (pronounced ‘too-jay’) believed to be derived from an Aboriginal word ‘duidgee,’ meaning place of plenty. It is situated on the Avon River 85 kilometres north-east of Perth.
Along the way, members were treated to a spectacular display of wildflowers, in particular, many of the 400 or so types of wattles which grow in South Western Australia.
Blue lechenaultia were also in full bloom, providing a spectacular contrast. An excellent lunch was enjoyed in Toodyay, followed by some free time to browse, the main attraction being the Christmas shop, a must-see for anyone visiting this small town. A stop at a local winery on the way home was a delightful end to a great day.'