Margaret River getaway
27 Apr 2022
Mandurah Island Probus Club’s caravan group (Peter Rose) and wine appreciation group (Trish Engler) combined to take 45 members away for four nights to Margaret River, one of the state’s premium wine areas.
The group stayed at a caravan park with terrific chalets. The five days away included visiting and lunching at a leading winery, a brewery, and a bird sanctuary – plus three evening sundowners, a fun night, and healthy morning forest and riverbank walks.
A visit to the township museum site was sobering. The town was originally promoted 100 years ago as an idyllic farming adventure to England’s WWI returning servicemen and city dwellers. However, harsh conditions, a lack of support, and limited farming knowledge meant only 300 out of 6,000 settlers were able to put a meal on the table and stay. Thankfully, Club members were able to reap the rewards of their efforts.