A heritage walk around Launceston
26 Mar 2025
Launceston Probus Club recently participated in a heritage walk around the Launceston CBD.
The group started off outside Glasgow Engineering and the first stop was Paterson Barracks, the oldest building in Launceston, built in 1842. The 25 pounder guns and the two cannons from Fort Cormiston stressed the military theme.
Onwards to the Custom House where walkers were invited inside to see customs memorabilia. Then we strolled long the Esplanade to Tas Flour Mills, still going after 155 years.
The group continued along Cimitere Street with St Luke’s new premises in sharp contrast to adjacent buildings, like the Commercial Hotel and the Sports Garden Hotel, formerly Lloyd’s Hotel.
The group then rounded off the walk with a coffee at the nearby cafe.
All participants agreed it was a relaxing and interesting walk.