Keep learning
02 Apr 2013
You may have finished school a while ago and you may not be working, but that doesn’t mean you need to stop growing intellectually.
Increasingly, people are turning to the internet to formally and informally continue their education. Whether it’s scouring Google for more information or enrolling in an online course, every little bit keeps your mind active.
What is e-learning
E-learning is a blanket term that encompasses all forms of technology that encourage and support education. This includes the internet, applications for smart phones, podcasts, videos and blogs.
Online courses
If you’d like to formally extend your education, there are plenty of websites that offer online courses. There is also an abundance of specialised websites just for online education. Of course, these will come with a fee, textbooks to purchase, and exams and assignments.
If you’re prepared to go down that road, studying online can be a great way to enjoy the freedom of retirement, while learning at the same time. Usually, you can hop online in your own time and do the readings, as long as you submit your assignment on time.
You don’t need to formally enrol in an online course if you’re looking for something a little bit more casual. You can definitely use the internet to further your education simply by reading.
Know the topic you’re interested in? Just type it into a Google search and click away. Trawling through various websites will often give you a varied response and many opinions on what you’re searching for.
If you’ve got a smart phone, podcasts can be a great tool for learning on the go. All you have to do is subscribe to the podcasts of your choice and they’ll update on your smart phone for you to listen to as you’re ready.
Podcasts include learning another language, history and culture lessons, the arts, religion and science. In fact, the possibilities are endless when it comes to available topics.
Blast from the Podcast details how to subscribe to a podcast once you’ve decided which one you’d like to listen to.
Video and blogs
Videos and blogs are excellent tools for learning because both provide the viewer with an avenue to interact with the author and with fellow viewers. The comments section attached to most videos and blogs gives you the option to post your thoughts and questions for other viewers to see and answer. It allows you to engage others and hopefully strike up a conversation where you can both learn from and teach others.
YouTube is a terrific website to use to further your education. There are some informative how-to and DIY channels where you can learn how to get your hands dirty, plus loads of science and education videos around. To learn how to use YouTube, see our guide.
Reading other peoples’ opinions through blogs and forums is also a useful way to keep your mind active. It’s another a way for you to share your views and give other people a lesson in an area that you’re an expert in.
Do you use any particular website to discover new information? Share your tips on our Facebook page.