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Wednesday's news

Australians are realising the price we pay for living Down Under compared to other countries around the world. Meanwhile, wrestling has been axed for the 2020 Summer Olympics. 

54 hours and 40C heat

A quad bike rider is in hospital after surviving 54 hours without water and food in 40C heat in bushland east of Perth. Paul Pyke was found late yesterday afternoon about 8km away from his bike. has the full story.

Price we pay for being Aussies

Australians are increasingly realising just how much it costs to live Down Under compared to other countries around the world, a key reason why many Australians are looking to online stores to purchase their goods. Adelaide Now has the breakdown of comparison figures.

Pensioners to get more money

Over 740,000 age pensioners will get an average of $6.80 more a fortnight next month as the government lowers the interest it deems them to be earning. It’s a welcome relief for many after the deeming rate has not changes in the past three years. Read more.

Pacemaker surgery

The Vatican has revealed that Pope Benedict XVI has had a pacemaker for years and had surgery three months ago to replace the battery. Spokesman for the Vatican, Federico Lombardi said the pontiff is not stepping down due to a specific illness but rather because he is too frail to cope with the demands. Read the full story.

Former cop in shoot-out 

Former US policeman Christopher Dorner has exchanged gunfire with police after being on the run since last Friday. CBS have reported that two policemen have been shot and wounded. Read more.

Wrestling axed for 2020

The International Olympic Committee has recommended the wrestling be dropped from the summer Olympics, despite being contested since the first modern Olympics in 1896. Wrestling will now join seven other sports battling for one spot. The ABC has more.

Do you agree with the IOC decision? What sport do you think should have been axed? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page.