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Why you should visit Botswana this year

Handpicked by Lonely Planet as the top destination to visit this year, Botswana is often passed over by travellers for more mainstream holiday locations. Here are five reasons that this stunning African country is the perfect place to organise for your next overseas trip.

1. You can go on safari

Botswana is one of the few places in the world you can go on safari on water, whether it's by houseboat or canoe. It is the ideal place to get up close and personal with big, beautiful game, from lions and tigers to elephant and giraffes.

2 It’s a democratic and progressive society

This year marks 50 years of independence and according to the Lonely Planet, the country enjoys minimal corruption and a fast-growing economy. It’s also known for its political stability and good governance.

3. Seventeen per cent of the country is dedicated to national parks

From the iconic Okavango Delta, Unesco’s 1000th World Heritage site to the beautiful Tsodilo Hills and the Chobe Hills where elephants roam, Botswana is rich in breathtaking wildlife and landscapes.

4. It’s beautiful in wet or dry season

While the best time to view game is between May and November during the dry season, in the Kalahari ecosystem, game-viewing is more productive during the rainy season (December to March) and the animals are mostly around the open plains.

5. Botswana has led the way with anti-poaching initiatives in Africa

In 2015, 393 rhinos were killed in South Africa within the first few months of the year, but in 2014, Botswana banned hunting.

Below is the entire list of Lonely Planet’s top travel destinations for 2016.

  1. Botswana

  2. Japan

  3. USA

  4. Palau

  5. Latvia

  6. Poland

  7. Australia

  8. Uruguay

  9. Greenland

  10. Fiji