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New cure for skin cancer?

Australia has the highest skin cancer incidence in the world, with one in three people developing the disease by the time they’re 70. However, this could soon be just another ancient statistic.

Reports have surfaced over the weekend of a new cocktail of wonder drugs that could be the cure to skin cancer.

Scientists have combined two types of drugs – ipilimumab, known as ipi, and anti-PD1s – to create the new cure, which break down the defences of cancer cells.

Experts have hailed the new drug opportunity the “beginning of a new era” as seriously ill patients have seen spectacular effects of the medication.

Scientists have even gone so far as to say the new drug cocktail could be used to combat other forms of cancer.   

The remedy essentially uses the patient’s own body to fight the disease, turning its defences against a tumour and rebooting the immune system.

The drugs are still in clinical trials however one in six patients has already been saved by the new treatment.

With Australians four times more likely to develop skin cancer than any other type of cancer, the new treatment regime may be the answer everyone has been waiting for. 


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