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Life as a Treasurer

I have been asked to put together a few words about my time as PSPL Treasurer and Director.

I came into the role in February 2022 and will finish my term at the end of November this year.  So the search is on for someone to take on the role from then.

First the work, if you can call it that!  The talented team in Parramatta takes care of all day-to-day operations, including the accounting and preparation of financial reports.  The Treasurer reviews the reports, makes (hopefully helpful) suggestions and recommendations before approving their circulation.  Financial reports are generally presented to the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, chaired by the Treasurer, before they are circulated to the full Board.

The busiest time of the year is the preparation of budgets.  These go through a number of iterations in order to prepare for the following year in a way that is financially sustainable and presents good value to Clubs and their members. I have also been happy to be included in the team developing the Strategic Plan for PSPL for the next three years.  This is very satisfying work. I also prepare a report for inclusion in the published PSPL Annual Report.

The Treasurer’s role is an important one for PSPL’s Board, having a place on all Board Committees, and being fully involved in all significant business decisions.

The time commitment has not been onerous and varies across the year.  The Probus management and team are incredibly supportive of the Treasurer and all volunteer Directors, and I have found them respectful of my time.  The Board and Finance Committee have their regular meetings quarterly, with special meetings being called at other times when necessary.  The meeting time commitment is not excessive.

The benefits of the role are many.  To me, having an important role on a Board that is working for the benefit of the whole Probus Community is both humbling and satisfying and has been the best part of the job.  It is easy to become focused on your own Probus Club – but serving on the PSPL Board gives a new, higher-level focus on decisions that affect not only your own Club, but all Clubs.

So if you’re an experienced accountant or finance manager and you know your way around the usual stuff – budgeting, accounting, reporting and planning – why not put yourself forward and make a difference.  I’m glad I did!

If you would like to know more, please email me at [email protected]  and I would be happy to arrange a time to discuss.  


Treasurer David Ekert BA (Accounting) MBA, CPA