AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

A bus trip in glorious Autumn weather

Probus Club of Woolgoolga members enjoy a bus trip in glorious Autumn weather 

Probus club of St.George enjoy a dress up night

Probus club of St.George enjoy a dress up night.

Probus members enjoy a trip to Bright in the Victorian Alpine Region

Combined Probus Club of Medowie members enjoy a trip to Bright in the Victorian Alpine Region.

Mosman Probus Club Celebrations

Mosman Probus Club Celebrations.

An impromptu Morning Tea by the Sea

Probus Club of Port Stephens members enjoy an impromptu Morning Tea by the Sea.

A joint accomplishment

Members of the Mosman Probus Club celebrated the launch of their book I Remember When which was written and published by members of the Club in celebration of 40 years of Probus.

Tomaree Ladies Probus Club dressed to impress

Tomaree Ladies Probus Club dressed to impress.

Ladies Probus Club of Cronulla Monthly Munchies Program

Ladies Probus Club of Cronulla Monthly Munchies Program.

Probus Club of St George celebrate 30th Anniversary

Probus Club of St George celebrate 30th Anniversary.

Forster’s quarter century

Members of the Forster District Combined Probus Club celebrated the club's 25th anniversary at the Wilsons Prom Motel with 70 members in attendance.

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