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Around February 2004, during a Wantirna Heights Community Group meeting, it was suggested that the local residents should form a social group to utilize the facility available in Schultz Reserve for the benefit of the senior community in Wantirna Heights and local district, and to be located in the Knox Boat Fishing Club or the change rooms below.

It was proposed that the possibility of a Combined Probus Club be investigated. Bill Pearce, Chairman of the Community Group, contacted the Wantirna Rotary Club and a steering committee was formed comprising Mr Bruce Crago (then President of the Wantirna Rotary Club) and local residents, Val Riley, John Purdy and Alwyn Burney.

A public meeting was held in May 2004 resulting in a decision to proceed. The foundation meeting was held on Tuesday 1st June, 2004 and present at this meeting were approximately 50 persons including members of the Rotary Club of Wantirna and the then Chairman of Rotary District 9810 Probus Committee, Mr Kevin Speer. A call was made for volunteers to form a Management Committee resulting in the following structure:

President                         Ted Hansen

Vice President                  Alwyn Burney

Secretary                        John Riley

Treasurer                         Roy Fox

Speaker Convener            Max Townsend

General Committee          Lorraine McRae, Margaret Teasdale, Val Riley, Louise Brandie.

The original meeting dates were to be for the third Tuesday of the month, however this was changed during the meeting to be the first Wednesday of the month.

Soon after this meeting, Ted Hansen was advised that for medical reasons it was inadvisable for him to take the position of President, and Vice President Alwyn Burney was requested to accept that position.

At the first general meeting held on Wednesday 7th July, 2004 the newly elected President of the Rotary Club of Wantirna, Mr Jim Fleming presented Alwyn Burney with the President’s Collar and the Club’s Certificate of Accreditation. Vacancies on the Management Committee were filled by volunteers Kay Laurie, Alan Robinson and Joanna Eassom.

Our inaugural guest speakers, introduced by Max Townsend, were Lola and Don Smibert, who spoke of their mission work in South Africa.  Also in July our Trips and Outings co-coordinators, Margaret Teasdale and Val Riley announced our first Probus Club outing was to be “Christmas in July” at the Market Street Tavern in Nunawading.

In August 2004, a decision was taken to limit membership to a maximum of 60 and this to be reviewed at or after the AGM in March. Also in August, edition No 1 of our newsletter “News & Views” was produced by Lorraine McRae and Louise Brandie.

By September, membership consisted of 32 ladies and 23 men, a total of 55. In October Kay Laurie as membership coordinator reported our numbers had grown to 58 and a waiting list had been formed.

November 2004, Vic Zadurian began the post-meeting luncheon and also became the official photographer at meetings and outings. Alison Fox raised the idea of a walking group and in December, David Teasdale invited interested members to join him in forming a garden group. The second amended contract with the Knox Boat Fishing Club was signed off and the rent paid at last.

Christmas lunch was celebrated at Henry’s Restaurant in Stud Road, Bayswater with around 50 members and guests.

Feb 2005, preparation began for the first Annual General Meeting. The decision was made that the financial year would be from 1st January to 31st December, a calendar year. The subject of Incorporation and its benefits was discussed.

March 2005: The first AGM, no election of officers required as all positions were filled. The new committee comprised President: Alwyn Burney, Vice President: Peter Smith, Secretary: John Riley, Treasurer: Roy Fox. General committee: Louise Brandie, Joanna Eassom, Kay Laurie, Lorraine McRae, Margaret Teasdale, Alan Robinson, Joan & Max Townsend. It was resolved that the Membership cap be changed to a maximum of eighty persons. It was also resolved that our club join the Melbourne Outer East Region of Probus Clubs [MOER]

In April 2005 the recommended Probus Constitution for incorporation in Victoria was presented to the members for consideration. Alan Robinson is nominated for the position of Public Officer.

In May 2005 Roy Fox moved that CPCWH seek incorporation under the Associations incorporation act, adopt the constitution proposed by Probus Centre (superseding the existing constitution) and that Alan Robinson be the Public Officer for the club. These proposals were passed unanimously.

Our 1st Birthday celebration in June was a special event and comprised a special morning tea arranged by Louise Brandie. Official guests being the President of the Wantirna Rotary Club, Rob Parsons, and Ron Crowley, President Elect of the Melbourne Outer East Region of Probus Clubs and member of Healesville Men’s Probus Club.

Around February 2004, during a Wantirna Heights Community Group meeting, it was suggested that the local residents should form a social group to utilize the facility available in Schultz Reserve for the benefit of the senior community in Wantirna Heights and local district, and to be located in the Knox Boat Fishing Club or the change rooms below.

   It was proposed that the possibility of a Combined Probus Club be investigated. Bill Pearce, Chairman of the Community Group, contacted the Wantirna Rotary Club and a steering committee was formed comprising Mr Bruce Crago (then President of the Wantirna Rotary Club) and local residents, Val Riley, John Purdy and Alwyn Burney.

   A public meeting was held in May 2004 resulting in a decision to proceed. The foundation meeting was held on Tuesday 1st June, 2004 and present at this meeting were approximately 50 persons including members of the Rotary Club of Wantirna and the then Chairman of Rotary District 9810 Probus Committee, Mr Kevin Speer. A call was made for volunteers to form a Management Committee resulting in the following structure:

President                          Ted Hansen

Vice President                   Alwyn Burney

Secretary                          John Riley

Treasurer                         Roy Fox

Speaker Convener            Max Townsend

General Committee           Lorraine McRae, Margaret Teasdale,

Val Riley, Louise Brandie.                                           

   The original meeting dates were to be for the third Tuesday of the month, however this was changed during the meeting to be the first Wednesday of the month.

   Soon after this meeting, Ted Hansen was advised that for medical reasons it was inadvisable for him to take the position of President, and Vice President Alwyn Burney was requested to accept that position.

   At the first general meeting held on Wednesday 7th July, 2004 the newly elected President of the Rotary Club of Wantirna, Mr Jim Fleming presented Alwyn Burney with the President’s Collar and the Club’s Certificate of Accreditation. Vacancies on the Management Committee were filled by volunteers Kay Laurie, Alan Robinson and Joanna Eassom.

   Our inaugural guest speakers, introduced by Max Townsend, were Lola and Don Smibert, who spoke of their mission work in South Africa.  Also in July our Trips and Outings co-coordinators, Margaret Teasdale and Val Riley announced our first Probus Club outing was to be “Christmas in July” at the Market Street Tavern in Nunawading.

   In August 2004, a decision was taken to limit membership to a maximum of 60 and this to be reviewed at or after the AGM in March. Also in August, edition No 1 of our newsletter “News & Views” was produced by Lorraine McRae and Louise Brandie.

   By September, membership consisted of 32 ladies and 23 men, a total of 55. In October Kay Laurie as membership coordinator reported our numbers had grown to 58 and a waiting list had been formed.

   November 2004, Vic Zadurian began the post-meeting luncheon and also became the official photographer at meetings and outings. Alison Fox raised the idea of a walking group and in December, David Teasdale invited interested members to join him in forming a garden group. The second amended contract with the Knox Boat Fishing Club was signed off and the rent paid at last.

   Christmas lunch was celebrated at Henry’s Restaurant in Stud Road, Bayswater with around 50 members and guests.

   Feb 2005, preparation began for the first Annual General Meeting. The decision was made that the financial year would be from 1st January to 31st December, a calendar year. The subject of Incorporation and its benefits was discussed.

   March 2005: The first AGM, no election of officers required as all positions were filled. The new committee comprised President: Alwyn Burney, Vice President: Peter Smith, Secretary: John Riley, Treasurer: Roy Fox. General committee: Louise Brandie, Joanna Eassom, Kay Laurie, Lorraine McRae, Margaret Teasdale, Alan Robinson, Joan & Max Townsend. It was resolved that the Membership cap be changed to a maximum of eighty persons. It was also resolved that our club join the Melbourne Outer East Region of Probus Clubs [MOER]

   In April 2005 the recommended Probus Constitution for incorporation in Victoria was presented to the members for consideration. Alan Robinson is nominated for the position of Public Officer.

    In May 2005 Roy Fox moved that CPCWH seek incorporation under the Associations incorporation act, adopt the constitution proposed by Probus Centre (superseding the existing constitution) and that Alan Robinson be the Public Officer for the club. These proposals were passed unanimously.

   Our 1st Birthday celebration in June was a special event and comprised a special morning tea arranged by Louise Brandie. Official guests being the President of the Wantirna Rotary Club, Rob Parsons, and Ron Crowley, President Elect of the Melbourne Outer East Region of Probus Clubs and member of Healesville Men’s Probus Club.