AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

                     Victoria Point Probus Club Inc.

                       Events Calendar 2025


Mon 10th ....  Coffee and Chat, 10am, Barcella cafe

Tues 18th ......  Monthly meeting, 10am, Bowls Club.

Sat 22nd Feb ..... “The Boy from Oz”, 2pm, Beenleigh Theatre


Mon 3rd ....  Activities Group Meeting, 10.00 am VP Library.

Wed 5th ....  Monthly Dining Out, 6 pm, Melin Chinese and Vietnamese, Capalaba

Mon 10th ... Coffee and Chat, 10am, Barcella cafe

Tues 11th - Thurs 14th ....  trip to Esk.

Tues 18th .... AGM Meeting, 10am, at the Bowls Cub.

Mon 31st  .... Cheese and Wine, 3 - 5 pm at Redland Bay