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Meeting dates and location

Date and Time

The club meets on the first Tuesday of the month, from February to December, except in November when we will meet on the second Tuesday due to the Melbourne Cup.

Meetings start promptly at 10:15 am with doors open from 10:00 am.

We break for morning tea about 10:45 and reconvene for our guest speaker from 11:15.

The meeting closes at just after noon followed by the option of lunch at the Burvale Hotel. If you would like to join the lunch your name should go on the list at the start of the meeting to enable the booking to be made.


Our meetings take place in the conference room at the Burvale Hotel, corner of Springvale Road and Burwood Highway, Vermont South.  There is plenty of parking available.

Sign In

All people attending the meeting must sign in on arrival. If needing to leave the meeting early sign the early leavers list as you go. These lists are kept for Club business and for insurance purposes if needed.


Visitors may attend a maximum of three (3) activities. Activities include meetings and all other VSPC activities. It is important Visitors sign in to the activity noting their visitor status. After attending a total of three meetings or activities the visitor can apply for membership or leave the club.

Trading Table

A Trading Table is available at meetings. Used goods in good condition, and new goods (including cooked items, packaged and labelled with all ingredients) may be sold at the meeting. Money raised goes to VSPC funds.

Meal together after the monthly meeting.