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The Club meets monthly (except December) for a General Meeting.  This meeting comprises general business and two speakers – a short ‘Have Your Say’, where Club members talk about a topic of their interest and a longer Guest Speaker presentation, where topics are varied, interesting and informative.  The General Meeting is followed by lunch at the Toorak Services Club

As well as the monthly General Meetings, members enjoy more focussed group activities during the year.

Currently these are:

  • Outings 

Outings are scheduled to visit galleries, museums, exhibitions, etc. that are accessible and interesting.  This is usually followed by a meal together. 

  • Films 

Film outings attend morning sessions of new releases at local cinemas. Films are chosen with respect to the general interest of the Film Group. Films are preceded by tea and coffee at the venue, and this can be followed by lunch at a nearby venue. 

  • Snooker 

 Monthly get-togethers of members to play snooker at the Toorak Services Club.  This is a competition of fun and intent, followed by lunch at the Club. All standards of players welcome. 

  • Walking Tours
About 4 - 5 walks each year are arranged, in the warmer seasons. The walks focus on a mix of historicand heritage locations plus walking in some of Melbourne’s many parks and trails. The walking is not strenuous, generally about 3 - 5 km, and wherever possible we try to finish with a light lunch or at least a well earned coffee - or both.
  •  Cryptic Crossword 

Cryptic Crossword Clue Crew meetings are held once a month on the Monday before the Probus General Meetings.  Together, the group tries to solve the previous days Sunday Age cryptic crossword. There is great pleasure to be had in piecing the answer to a clue together. 

  •  Book Group 

A new book to read every month, and members meet to discuss the book - with a member leading each discussion.  This is followed by lunch – of course! 

  • Golf 

The Probus Golf Group meets at the Burnley Golf Course for the monthly game on the first Monday of the month. The normal tee time is 10.00 am.  All members are welcome to join the group on a casual basis.   

Activities are open to all members.