AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


        You are welcome to visit or join our club

                                   Why join?


Sylvania Probus is a friendly group of active and adventurous retired and semi-retired men and women, age 55 and over, all young at heart, from all over the Shire. We welcome like-minded retired ladies and gentlemen who are interested in meeting this friendly group for a range of social activities.  We believe in fun and friendship, retiring from work not life.

We meet at the Sylvania Bowling Club, Holt Road, Sylvania at 9.30am for 10.00am start, on the 1st Thursday of the month.

We pride ourselves in making visitors and new members very welcome. We extend a special invitation to recently retired men and women. 

We offer our members 

Dine Outs and Theatre groups

Picnics and BBQs

Cruises along the Georges River, Port Hacking and Sydney Harbour

Day trips by public transport

Four or more day trips to interesting places

Walking Groups

Bowls and Golf

Interesting Speakers at our monthly meeting

Swap/Borrow Books

If interested please contact

Secretary – Margaret Packwood on 0422 405 202

President  -  Leonie Lambert on 0409 554 010