AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287



February 2024 Thursday 29th February 2024

National Railway Museum

76 Lipson St Port Adelaide

10:30 am  COST:  $7 to seniors card holders:  others $12

Lunch: TBC




June Tuesday 27th 10.00am

Tour of the Court meet in the Magistrates Court at 10.00am. Tour will take 40 minutes.

We will then be able to go into sitting court rooms in the Sir Samuel Way Building where the District Court and the Supreme Court sits.

There is no cost for this outing.


July Thursday 27th 2.00pm

Australian Space Discovery Centre at Lot 14, McEwin Building North Terrace. Meet at 2pm at the entrance.

There is no cost for this event.


August Thursday 24th 11.00am

Australian Wine Discovery Guided Tour at the National Wine Centre - Corner Hackney Road & Botanic Road.

Cost $15.00 - only 10 tickets available.


September Tuesday 26th 10.30am

South Australian Maritime Museum Guided Tour

126 Lipson St Port Adelaide.

Cost $14.00 - MUST have more than 10 members.


OctoberThursday 19th October at 10.30am


Visit to the South Australian Aviation Museum

66 Lipson St Port Adelaide.

Cost $10.50 (for senior card holders)  

Lunch at nearby hotel (TBC)


November Thursday November 16th @ 10:30

Charles Sturt Museum (The Grange)

39D Jetty Street Grange

Cost $15 includes Devonshire Tea

Lunch at 12:30pm at a nearby hotel (TBC)