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February 2025

Having fun at our 20th anniversary party




December 2024

The club inducted two new couples at the December meeting.

President Judy welcomes (left to right)

Hans and Gabriele Eggers and Louise and Stephen Hempel

End of year lunch at Pier 10


November 2024

Ferry ride to Queenscliff and lunch at Tarra

Arriving at Queenscliff

Monty looking jealous

Members enjoying their lunch at Tarra

October 2024 
Canberra turns out to be blooming good

Twenty-one members descended on Canberra at the start of October to savour what the national capital had to offer.With its own dedicated bus the group visited Floriade, Parliament House, the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the War Memorial,  theArboretum, the Australian  Institute of Sport, the National Museum of  Australia and  Cockington Green model village.


September 2024
Chocoholic heaven

It was chocolate, chocolate everywhere when a group visited the Chocolatier in Flinders.





July 2024


A day at the market

A dozen members visited Dandenong Market recentlyand were exposed to sounds and smells from all parts of the world and given a glimpse of how multi-cultural our nation has become.With an excellent guide, Tim, our group toured the market and sampled some of the huge variety of food available from all parts of the world from Vietnam to Columbia, from Lebanon to Sri Lanka. Many of the group, who had never visited the market before, were amazed at the variety, quality and competitive prices of the fruit, meat, fish and spices on offer. Several have vowed to return.

June 2024
A warm welcome to two new members
The club welcomed two new members at our June meeting when we inducted Cisco Bagulho and his wife Anne Hassett.
They have been weekend Somers residents for the past 20 years.
They are both very active and love walking and gardening. Anne is interested in writing fictionwhile Cisco is taking piano lessons.

Sue Mansie introducesCisco and Anne

April 2024      Anzac Day   President Judy Alsop placed a wreath on ANZAC Day at a moving ceremony in Balnarring at ANZAC Park. The wreath was made by  our club member Jill Alibertini and a wonderful job she did … it was easily the best looking of the floral tributes to the nation’s fallen.                                            
March 2024 AGM - New committee 
From left:  Roy Higginson (Secretary), Sue Mansie (Speaker finder), Jill Duboudin (Outings), Sue Rintoul(Welfare), Nigel George (Treasurer), Pat Pringle (Membership), Judy Alsop (President), PeterThompson (Past President), Chris Thompson (Lunches/Social) Absent: Georgie Minton (Travel) and Tony Duboudin (Newsletter)
Visit to Ballam Park Homestead 
Members recently visited Ballam Park Homestead in Frankston where members of Frankston Historical Society hosted the morning dressed in costumes of the mid 19th century when the homestead was built. The visit was followed by lunch at Fratellis restaurant, Frankston. 

May 2022

Family History Group -

 Visit to the historic 'Cargo Shed' located near the Flinders Pier.  The shed, built in 1870 and extensively renovated, is the only building in Flinders on the Victorian Heritage Register.  A guided tour was provided by a member of the Flinders Historical Society.  The impressive display of memorabilia went back to before European settlement and traces the history of the Flinders area.

April 2022

Anzac Day

Immediate Past President Peter Witnish made a moving speech at this years commemoration of Anzac Day held at Anzac Park on the corner of Frankston/Flinders Rd and Russell St, Balnarring.

Garden Group - Sage Cottage, Moorooduc 

Wine Appreciation Group - Pt Leo Estate
March 2022 AGM

Committee - 2022-2023

Peter Thompson President, Vice President Carlene Tovey, Sue darcy Past President, Treasurer Nigel George and Secretary Roy Higginson. Committee members - Sue Rintoul (Welfare), Tony Duboudin (Speaker Finder), Judy Alsop (Newsletter) and Pat Pringle (Membership). Georgie Minton and Jill Duboudin (Travel),  Jeremy Grant was appointed Honorary Account Reviewer and thanked for his continued support. 

Barry Price was presented with Life Membership recognising his commitment over many years to Somers Probus Club

The annual membership fee was set at $45 per person, however due to the impact of Covid-19, there is a discount of $8 for current members.  New members will be required to pay the full fee, plus a joining fee of $50.


Cyclists say 'Thank You' On Tuesday 27th April the bike group held a ‘thank you’ get together for Lottie and Dennis Aylward. Dennis has been leading cycling activities for Somers Probus for many years with Lottie bringing up the rear as trusted whip.  Most of the regular cyclists were able to attend and enjoyed being together and reminiscing about some of the great rides. Just to mention a few there was South Australia in 2013 cycling the Barossa, The river Torrens into Adelaide and Victor Harbour. Some other rides that came to mind were the City Circle; Woori Yallock /Warburton; Frankston/Baxter rail trail; Williamstown/Altona; Kilkunda/Wonthaggi; Redhill rail trail; Patterson River/Jells Park; Phillip Island and Port Phillip Bay. Thank you, Lottie and Dennis for dedicated service, hard work and ever-present humour.
Bright at Last From Pat Pringle We were all looking forward to getting out there and visiting regional Victoria after our postponed trip from March 2020.   Barry, with help from Di, and Bright delivered - accommodation, weather, meals and activities.  We set off in drizzle but this didn’t dampen our enthusiasm and at our coffee break in Yea we bumped into many fellow Somers travellers.  Fed and watered (but unfortunately chipless Clare B) we set off and passed lines of vehicles who were returning back after their long weekend away - so lucky to be retirees and able to holiday midweek. There are so many lovely walks around Bright and the Ovens River, coffee and lunch spots, retail therapy of course (a few ladies sporting newly purchased outfits as you do when on holiday especially), cycling along rail trails, golf and all these activities were suggested on our itinerary. We dined as a group at the Bright Brewery and the Wandi Pub - two great venues.  A visit to a fascinating Moroccan flavoured cafe in Myrtleford was also a highlight. We visited as a group the Red Stag deer farm where we had the biggest yummy scones you can imagine and the owner gave a potted and humorous history including the healing qualities of emu oil and deer horn.  We await some of our groups results with interest!  The stags, goats, emus, ostrich put on a good show especially when offered grain from a bucket.  We were warned not to bend down as that is a sign to the stag that we were challenging them.  No one tried to disprove that advice! Barry twisted the owner’s arm at Nightingales cidery into giving a tasting (promised pre-COVID but halted because of physical distancing etc) but I’m sure it increased their sales immensely!  There were many other wares and produce on offer and a wide range of apples.   A trip to Mt Buffalo was fantastic!  Amazing views, challenges on the glass floor lookout, and a look at the Chalet currently being renovated.  Attached photos will attest. Happy Hours lived up to the name in the communal Skydeck at Big4 and then we were entertained on the games night.  An hilarious and very cleverly devised trivia + noughts and crosses, frisby and bowling event.  Peter and Darryl as leaders revved their teams up and everyone had a good laugh. We will all have our own experiences of impromptu gatherings after dinner at a rotunda or other’s units but we were all aware of curfew hours even though noise levels may have exceeded limits - especially on the games night!  Cyclists and golfers will have their own stories although they might not share - what happened in Bright stays in Bright as they say! Thank you again Barry (and Di!) Looking forward to a repeat at Metung!  The Bright Photo Gallery The above photos are from Clare Baldwin The ones below are from Steph Schwarz
From left to right, Row 1. Mt Buffalo Chalet: Specctacular scenery, Mt Buffalo: A "deer" fellow Row 2. Split Rock, Mt Buffalo: Friends at the deer farm: Majestic views   Row 3 Seen by friends in Traralgon driving home And finally, these photos from Sue Mansie  Bright_photo_1.pdf
Great reminders of a fabulous trip!

2020 AGM
The incoming President, Peter Witnish with the new committee
Peter Witnish with committee members, Vice President Sue Darcy, Treasurer Nigel George, Secretary Roy Higginson, and Committee members Pat Pringle, Georgie Minton and Sue Rintoul.  Past President Di Price. 
March 2020 - Outing to the Royal Botanical Gardens Melbourne
On a beautiful sunny autumn day a group of 8 members enjoyed the wonderful gardens hosted by two excellent guides as the group was split into two, making it an informative 90 minute tour. Thanks to Marg Harwood for her organisation.
       Pat, Jenny, Marg & Sue with their guide Jill.                   One group with their guide. 
   Clare, Clare, Peter & Chris in the Fern Gully Walk
        Jenny, Sue, Clare, Chris, Peter, Pat, Marg                                           Lotus Flower

Barbeque lunch at Coolart

 The cooks The LunchersThe Watcher
December - End of year Christmas lunch

Book group Christmas lunch

The Bookgroup Christmas lunch for 2019 was held at Leonie Holmgren's lovely home.  Fabulous hospitality, food and drink and a very exciting year coming up in 2020!  Although there is a slight possibility of bias, we all agreed that this is one of the best bookgoups ever!
Stephen Brown hosted the November wine Appreciation Group, with a tasting of wines from Merricks estate.  
An educational (and merry) time was had by all.
2019 Beacom Cup
The major golfing event for the club, the competition for the Beacom Cup, was held this month. The competition is for teams of four played over nine holes. It was very well supported with eight teams competing. The winners were the team led by Barb  Plaisted with Denise Kempster, Dennis Aylward and Bill Murray. They had a great round in perfect weather and are now the worthy holders of the Beacom Cup. The putting competition was a hard fought and exciting duel with Rob Bartholomew sinking a superb hole in one on practically the last shot of the contest to win the prestigious Golden Putter. Our heartfelt thanks to Alan Harwood whose unique skill in setting handicaps, verifying scores and calculating final totals kept us all honest. Peter Cole
OctoberAdelaide trip A glorious gaggle of members headed to Adelaide in October.  Below are some of the photographs that passed the censor. Clearly, a great time was held by all.


Silo Art Trail 

 Some members of the Somers Combined Probus Group joined the Balnarring Women's Probus Group for their Silo art trip.    This very regal photo was in Boort - Nero presiding, perhaps?

Family History Group meeting
The Somers Probus Family History Group had a family history information morning at the Mornington Peninsula History Society, Frankston South Recreation Centre,. President of MPFHS  Lynne Emblin is with Michael Andrewartha, Robyne Campbell, Patsie Coates, Jenny Cole, Tony Duboudin, Vern Tansley, Jean & Jeremy Grant.

Anzac Day

President Di Price attended the Anzac Service in Balnarring and laid a wreath on behalf of our club. It was a lovely service with a wide diversity of speakers. The ceremony was opened by Matthew Keogh, Commander RAN. He introduced the Mayor of the Mornington Shire who informed us that the Park in Russell St. Balnarring has now been officially renamed Anzac Park. The song “I was Only 19” was sung and a variety of speakers followed. Mr Gordon Cameron spoke about Horn Island and the part it played in the defence of Australia in World War 2, he then introduced his father, Douglas, who is 97 and served there during the war. Two grade 6 students read out their essays about what Anzac Day means to them. They were articulate and their essays were inspiring. The Balnarring School Choir sang Advance Australia Fair. Those who served in wars were acknowledged and remembered. It was a moving service and it was great that our club could participate.


The Art Group in Ros Teh's studio