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Tues 18th General Meeting 10am start Guest Speaker Cath Duncan on Bonsai 

Tues 25th Barefoot Bowl, Penrith Bowling Club 9.45am 41 Woodriff St Penrith


Tues 4th Lunch Twin Creeks Golf Club 11.45am Twin Creeks Drive (off Luddenham Rd)

Tues 11th Morning Tea 10am Settlers , Mulgoa

Sat 15th Fab Four at Evans Theatre 8.00pm Meet for Dinner at 6pm Kelly’s Brasserie ( table Booked)

Tues 18th General Meeting Followed by AGM 10am start Guest Speaker Helen Sweeney– Healthy Living 

Tues 25th State Theatre Tour Meet at Emu Plains Station 9.30am

Sat 30th Beach Boys Experience at the Joan 7.30pm Meet at Sitano’s, Riley St, 5.30pm for Dinner


Tues 1st Lunch Grey Gums Hotel Mulgoa Rd Penrith 11.45am

Tues 8th Morning Tea Luddenham Village Café 10am

Tues 15th General Meeting 10am Start Guest Speaker Payment due for May Morning Melodies, Rocks Tour

Tues 22nd Barefoot Bowls Penrith Bowling Club 41 Woodriff St Penrith( if popular in February)

Fri 25 ANZAC DAY March meet at Neighbourhood Centre Time to be Advised

Tues 29th Mystery Tour

Every Wednesday 9.00am Walking Group Meet at Warragamba Tennis Courts

1st & 3rd Wednesday 1.30-4.30pm Craft Silverdale Progress Hall, Silverdale Rd (next to Horse & Harpy)

2nd & 4th Wednesday 2.30pm Cards at Warragamba Workers Club