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NEWSLETTER - December 2019

General Meeting Monday 9th December - President Gordon opened the meeting at 09:30 am, he welcomed 31 Members and 20 Ladies and two visitors. Shirley Rimon and Brian Rossen. 

Apologies: - were received from 9 members, Bernie Bailey, Allan Baldwin, Barry Boles, Sigi Ferchow, Sid Harvey, Ian Mangelsdorf. Vin Muller, Neville Stephenson, Ralph Tankard. 

Treasurer’s Report: - by assistant treasurer Jim Carroll, opening balance was $5,024.24 the income was $549.00 and expenditure $424.50. The end of month balance $5,148.74 The committed funds are $669.00 this leaves available funds of $4,479.74   

Membership Report: - Jim Reid reported an attendance of 31 members and 20 ladies this represents 53% of the membership. 

Speaker’s Report: - Presented by Ed Jolly-: - 

The Club Speaker for 13th January General Meeting is Graeme Davis The Guest Speaker for January TBA. The Guest speakers for February are the school Captains from St John the Evangelist Catholic High School Nowra   

Activities Report: - Daryl reported the following:  

MORNING MELODIES – Fri 3rd January Bomaderry Bowling Club. Great Women of Song, Connie Francis, Patsy Cline, Petula Clark. Shoalhaven Probus has tables One and Six booked, however it is necessary for those attending to book and pay at the club prior to the event. Doors open at 10 am.  Show goes to 12.30 pm Tickets $10pp  

CARDS – 500: - Wednesday 8th  January 2020 at 2PM - at Nowra Bowling Club.  

COFFEE MORNING – Wednesday 15th January 2020,  91 Junction Nowra at 10 AM. Cost $9.00 per person. Please pay by the January meeting     

EASTERN TIGER at the EX SERVO Junction St. On Tuesday 21st January 2020 at 6:30 PM. Dinner all-you-can-eat buffet. Pay on the night.     

Terry Wright is our caring officer, should you hear of someone not doing well please let Terry know, Terry can be reached on 4423 0553, or email [email protected] 

A COMBINED BBQ To be held on Friday the 21st February 2020 11 AM. at Plantation Point  Parade, Vincentia. Invitations have been extended to local Probus Clubs. Bring your own chairs and tables and if you wish your own plates and cutlery. The cost is $10.00 per person. Numbers and Money to Shoalhaven Probus a week before the BBQ. To PO Box 22 Nowra. Or BSB 641800, ACC 200152637.   

NOWRA PLAYERS Mamma Mia Thursday 19th March 8pm. Set on a Greek island paradise and inspired by ABBA’s timeless songs.   

GUEST SPEAKER (This meeting): -

Margaret Crothers is a Senior Rights Advocate from the Senior Rights Services. Margaret spoke on a range of advocacy areas. What can an aged care advocate do?  • Listen to your concerns • Empower you to identify your rights and responsibilities • Assist you to uphold your rights • Speak on your behalf to uphold your rights.  Seniors Rights Service is a community organisation dedicated to protecting and advancing the rights of older people, particularly vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. They provide free and confidential telephone advice, aged care advocacy and support, legal advice and rights-based education forums to seniors across New South Wales. Their aged care advocates assist older people who receive Commonwealth-funded aged care services at home or in residential care, as well as their carers or family members. They listen, clarify your issues, provide information, inform you of your rights, identify possible outcomes, help you advocate for yourself and, if requested, speak up for you. For example, many people feel uncomfortable raising a complaint about a service they depend on for their daily care.  Their legal team provides advice to older people, including retirement village residents, on human rights (discrimination, abuse – physical, psychological, financial, other), planning for the future (wills, power of attorney, guardianship), consumer rights (debt management, unfair contracts), accommodation matters (granny flats, strata) and other issues. They provide advice to residents of retirement villages (self-care units and serviced apartments) on issues arising from disputes with management or interpretation of contracts.  Seniors Rights Service runs rights-based education sessions across NSW to older people, their families and carers, and those who provide aged care services. They provide information about your rights, planning for the future, rights around prevention of abuse or exploitation, and other issues. They come to you – to your aged care residence, community hall or club. They also tailor the session to your needs and have provided information in many languages or with cultural sensitivities in mind.

After her talk Margaret answered a wide range of questions regarding  Aged Care. She spoke at length on elder abuse, such as when gender goggles are applied to older women, particularly women who have not been the family’s breadwinner. Studies confirm that financial abuse is the most common, and fastest-growing, type of abuse of older women.  The Seniors Rights Service web site is very good and I would advise all members, if you have the internet to  have a browse. (    

SALVATION ARMY HAMPER BAGS From Kev Cummins. A HUGE THANK YOU! To all who contributed to the Salvation Army Hampers. Probus members overwhelming generosity will ensure that a number of needy families, particularly those impacted by fire and drought, will enjoy a much more pleasant Festive Season. Cheers  Kev 0244232454 0427232454   

This Notice Posted on Work Notice board : This Department Requires no Physical Fitness Programme  ; Everyone gets enough exercise by. • 1. Jumping to Conclusions  • 2. Flying off the Handle  • 3. Running down the Boss • 4. Knifing Friends in the Back  • 5. Dodging Responsibilities  • 6. And Pushing their Luck.

It’s difficult to soar with the eagles when you work with Turkeys  Last week outside the bottle shop I found a lost wallet that contained $50 cash but nothing to identify who lost it. I pondered over what I should do, hand it in to the store manager or treat it as a windfall and pocket the cash. I then thought to myself what would Jesus have done??? So, I promptly walked into the bottle shop and turned it into wine....    

Results of cards (500) played on the 27th November 2019 1st game Jim Carroll and Mike Miezio played Neville Anderson and Arnold Parrott .  Nev and Arnold won 3 games to 1 . Thirty hands being played. In the second game Terry Wright, Gordon Elford, Jim Reid, Steve O’Neill and Laurie Kettlewell battled it out over 28 hands. The result was Terry winning two games very convincingly Results of cards (500) played on the 11th December 2019 Saw Terry and Trevor Wright, playing  Mike Miezio and Gordon Elford. Gordon and Mike winning 3 game to 1 after some pretty quick games. In the next game Jim Reid, Laurie Kettlewell, and Heinz Koblenz played Steve O’Neill, Neville Anderson and Daryl Roth. Jim, Laurie and Heinz cleaned up 2 games to 1. Jim went home then Daryl won a five hander. Heinz left then Laurie and Daryl won a game.
No cards Christmas day , see you in the new year.

Congratulation to Tony Heslin who will celebrate his 90th Birthday on Saturday the 21st December 2019.  Tony joined Shoalhaven Probus on the 7th August 1990   

Congratulation to Murray Sweetapple who celebrated his 100th Birthday on the 25th November 2019. Murray joined Shoalhaven Probus on the 6th May 2002  

At the end of the Meeting 52 members and wives retired to the Greyhound Track for Christmas lunch. Daryl and Joan, Charlie and Wendy with help from other members had setup the tables and prepared the food for service. Thank you to all members who assisted with the service of the meals and cleaning. On the menu was chicken and salad, followed by Christmas pudding, custard and ice cream all washed down with bubbly, tea and coffee.  

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