AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


POSTAL ADDRESS:     P.O. Box 405, RYE, 3941 

BANK DETAILS: BSB 633 108   Account No: 152930392


POSTAL ADDRESS:     P.O. Box 405, RYE, 3941 

BANK DETAILS: BSB 633 108   Account No: 152930392



Blairgowrie Community Hall, William Road, Blairgowrie.


Our month has been greatly saddened by the sudden passing of Rod Blackburn, our Secretary. Apart from losing our friend and hard-working member, we see yet another negative impact on membership numbers, a concern expressed by a number of clubs in the greater PROBUS family. 

We are intent on finding ways to arrest the decline and are planning a “bring a friend” activity for our November meeting. Please start recruiting your friend to come and see who we are on Monday November 6th.

We have succeeded in having an interview published in the local newspaper, and while that did not in itself bring any direct enquiry, it would have increased general awareness of our existence. Thank you to Phil Webb for organising the interview.

Your Committee has met since Rod’s passing, and resolved to manage the Club’s affairs from within our current resources. Winter seems to have been particularly savage this year, and as the days noticeably lengthen we each begin to look forward to the prospect of spring. Club fellowship has been personally supportive to me, and I know that to be the case for other members.

Yours in PROBUS. Howard                            President: Howard Dare 0417 141 187


BIRTHDAYS for AUGUST                                                                                              Best wishes to: Bill Fechner 4th, Brooke Killen and Phil Webb 10th, Sergio Colafella 13th, Vic Vuckovic 16th and it’s his 80th 🍷 and Rupert Naylor 22nd.  



VALE:  Rod Blackburn (14/5/1948 - 16/7/2023)

It is with deep regret that we announce that our 2023 Probus Secretary, Rod Blackburn has died. He passed away on Sunday 16 th July 2023 and a funeral service 

to celebrate his life was held for him at Lilydale Memorial Park on Friday 28 th July. We, the members of The Probus Club of Rye were deeply sorry to hear of his death and we have forwarded a condolence letter to his wife, Marion, and his family on your behalf. Many of us knew that he had battled a severe illness some time ago, and thought that he had recovered remarkably well. We were shocked to hear that he had passed away so suddenly.


Rod joined our Club in 2018, becoming Secretary in 2020. We enjoyed his companionship and cherished his gentle and kind personality. His stories of his sailing and his wine collection were always fascinating. He showed that he loved his profession as an accountant and prized his company Blackburn Lazer. He joined us in his caravan and he and his wife had many pleasant times with us at CATS camps and dinners DOGS.  

He was introduced to Probus by Tom Golder in 2018 and worked well beside Presidents Trevor Thomas (2021), David Longhurst (2022), the late Bob Stone (2023) and Howard Dare (President 2023). His membership lasted only a few years but we are grateful for his fellowship and friendship in our Probus Club.




The Probus Club of Rye, your Probus Club, has launched its own website.

You can access the website as follows:

Type Probus into GOOGLE

Click on Probus Clubs Victoria

Click on Find a Probus Club

Go to Club Locator

Type in Rye    Select Vic

Click Search

And the site is there with our web page 

And remember, the more times you use it, the better GOOGLE will like us.


SPEAKER’S CORNER:  Thanks to Doug Fitcher and his Assistant, Roy Moulton for helping out with the Speaker segment at the last meeting. This meeting we have former Court Artist Fay Planka who will outline the intricacies of the role that she played. She might even record some of the sights that she sees!!    

                                                            Ian Bradley 0400 075 880 (from Queensland)

WELFARE:   It seems from the lack of reports I have received that most of you are travelling pretty well. However, Vic Vuckovic spent time in Frankston Hospital recently with an eye haemorrhage and bleeding from his bladder although he is back on his feet and looking to playing golf. Howard Dare had another scare and spent a night or two in hospital but also seems to be getting along well. And Doug Fitcher spent a day in hospital and he is back at work again.    Roy Moulton 0407 338 481 or 5985 4901    

                                                                                                                                                         MORNING TEA ROSTER:     

If you are rostered, please report to the Provedore (Ian MacDonald) prior to the start of the meeting.   

Mon 7th August         Ian Dalton              Andrew Carmichael     Barry Cheeseman

Mon 4th September  Bruce Draffin          Michael Power             Trevor Thomas

Mon 2nd October      Andrew Rozsa       Graham Woodrow       Ken Simms

If you are unable to do your dutyplease arrange a replacement if possible.


SAUSAGE SIZZLE: Please notify our Coordinator, Les Doyle, to offer your cooking skills. 


GOLF: Eagle Ridge - Hit-off time remains at 8 am and while our booking is for 8 players, we can include new players as needed. Please advise me by Wednesday if you will be playing.                                                             Roy Moulton 0407 338 481                                         

                                                                         COMING ATTRACTIONS                                         

DINE OUT CLUB (DOGS): Tuesday August 15 at 12 Noon

The venue is The Milbri,1183 Point Nepean Road, Rosebud. It is in the rank between the Anglican Church and Woollies Service Station. The venue is fully licensed and specialises in dishes with a Mexican flavour, However, there are also alternative as you will see from the menu displayed on the notice board.   Many offerings are designed as share platters so think about what you might do with your mates (If you have any). The proprietor has asked me to notify him of any allergies, as some of the offerings use such ingredients as peanuts, chillies etc. As is the current practice it is PAYG, so there is no requirement for a deposit. This is the time for non-travellers to get along to a club function. So please do your best to support the endeavour.                                                               Michael Martin 0476 892 098

HAPPY HOUR AND A HALF:  Friday August 25th from 5.00 to 6.30pm  

The August Happy Hour and a Half will be held at the home of Cherrie and Roy Moulton, 34 Pier St., Rye.  Please bring a plate of snacks or nibbles to share plus your drinks and glasses.                                           Howard Dare   0417 141 187  


Songs of FLEETWOOD MAC - Rosebud RSL - Thursday 28th September.

A fabulous night of music. Come along for dinner at 6.00pm and music at 8.00pm.

Usual deal - local venue, extensive menu, good food and full bar facilities.

Cost is $25.00 pp with dinner at own cost. Value plus great company.

Payment and your name on the list will be needed at our August meeting.

These shows fill quickly and refunds are generally not available.

Relive your youth even if you are only an armchair rocker !!

                                                                                                Ted Fielding 5988 9868


ARCHIBALD PRIZE and LUNCHEON: Monday September 25th at 10.30am

The Club has a booking for the Archibald Prize at the Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery for Monday September 25th at 10.30am, followed by a luncheon at "Steeples" at the Mornington Racecourse.     

The cost for the Archibald  Prize Exhibition is $15 per head. The outing is open to all members, wives, partners and friends. There are limited numbers available - so first in - first served!

We also have a guide for the tour.   Notice on the board at our next meeting.  Can you please pay the money through the Club's Bank account or have the money at our next meeting in an envelope - as usual.  Luncheon details to follow.

                                                                                               Phil Webb 0418 507 883


CATS CAMP - OCTOBER 22 - 29, 2023: 

The next Camp will be at RACV Cobram Resort, Campbell Road, Cobram.                   

The Camp has powered sites and cabins available. 

You may book now to procure a site or a cabin on 03 5871 9700

If you have any questions please contact Andrew Carmichael 0481 384 114.


CATS 2024:
The first CATS Camp in 2024 will be held between Sunday February 25th and Sunday March 3rd, 2024.
Please note the date for future reference. Further information will be provided in due course.                                                                               Ron Allison 0418 537 861