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Meetings and guest speakers

Monthly meetings

Monthly meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month (except December and January).

Venue is Club Five Dock RSL, 66 Great North Road, Five Dock.

Meetings commence at 10.30am.

Club Five Dock opens at 10.00am and many members arrive in time for a coffee and chat before the meetings.  Our guest speakers are scheduled for 11.00am.  Lunch at the Club after the meeting is also popular.

Our Guest Speaker Officer Margaret continues to source a range of diverse and interesting speakers.

Previous guest speakers


* Peter Thorpe - How using AI can improve your life
* Paul Kearney, Rock 'n Roll historian
* Jamelle Wells, author, journalist and ABC reporter
* Sally Sitou MP, Federal Member for Reid
* Greg Low, CEO of GDU P/L talked about his 40 years of extraordinary encounters with cultures and characters
* Greg Page OAM, Foundation CEO Heart of the Nation
* Leonie Dillon, Volunteer Community Engagement Co-ordinator and Ambassador, OzHarvest
* Susi Hamilton, Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC)
* Peter Kirkwood OAM - on the history, making and playing of didgeridoos
* Paul Kearney, Rock 'n Roll historian