Rossmoyne Probus Club was founded 35 years ago. Club President Bryan Spencer outlined the main reason why retirees and semi-retirees join the club.
"We find that most enjoy the fellowship of like-minded people and getting to know other retirees in our area. We came from Sydney a couple of years ago to be near family and our Probus membership has been instrumental in making friends and feeling a part of the community."
"Each month we have a General Meeting often with vistors from other clubs and potential new members, followed by Morning Tea and a guest speaker or performance of some type. In our club we have members from many walks of life. It's great to have the opprtunity to share common interests and make new friends."
"The lifeblood of any club is new members and we are dedicated to keeping our membership vital, growing and interesting."
Retirement does not have to be isolating. The club is about Fellowship, Fun and Friendship. We are non-political, non-religious and we don't raise money for charities. It's about enriching the lives of our members.
The club meets on the first Tuesday of the month at Rossmoyne Bowling Club, Tuscan Street, Rossmoyne, at 9:30 am.