AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


Mailing Address,31/344 West Botany St Brighton le Sands 2216 email [email protected].            


Club meets 10-30a.m. at Ramsgate RSL Club, cnr Ramsgate Rd & Chuter Ave, Sans Souci on 4th Thursday of each month Cost of annual Probus membership is $24 plus current membership of Ramsgate RSL.  

President Marina West 0407700810         Vice President Lynette Barnet 95800905                            

    Secretary Sussanne Nottage 80948143       Membership/Treasurer Muriel Barasso Wood OAM 95994104 M 0419293090

Guest Speaker Organiser Gwen Sherwood 0405454668 Outings Keith Wills 0411988476




All members are welcome to join in our events please follow these simple requests.                                                                                                A .Please let the organiser know that you intend to go or have to cancel.   B. Please let the organiser know if travelling independently. 

 If you wish to have programs posted please supply twelve self addressed and stamped envelopes for this purpose. 

Note  You can pay online to the bank account Probus club Rockdale, Westpac Rockdale BSB 032057 Account 752453;  Please advise by email when you have done this so we can identify payments.


27th February, 2025 Meeting doors open 10-30a.m. Guest speaker Kerri Cullen, Latrobe Community Health Care – My Aged Care. Optional lunch after meeting. 

 20th March, 2025  Quarantine Wander Tour, Quarantine Station, North Head; Ferry to Manly and short bus ride to Q Station. Cost $30 pp or $25 pp seniors non members $35 and $29 senior. Transport and lunch own cost. Bookings to Keith Wills 0411988476 email [email protected]  bookings and payments no later than 5.3.2025

27th March, 2025 Meeting doors open 10-30a.m. Guest speaker Kez Hasanic of Maritime Museum . Optional lunch after meeting. 

Visitors to all meetings and outings are subject to a $5 administration/insurance charge.


10th April, 2025  BBQ at Dolls Point

16th April, 2025 Anzac Day Dinner at RSL  

25th April, 2025 ANZAC DAY march and service at Ramsgate RSL Club including Wreath laying 

18th May, 2025-22nd May, 2025 Trip to Mudgee $1575pp Twin Share $1975pp single

30th May, 2025 visit to Ansto, Lucas Heights  




26/4/2018 - Monthly meeting. 10.30am at Ramsgate RSL, cnr Ramsgate Rd and Chuter Ave, Sans Souci. Join us for a presentation about the WWII attack by Japanese midget submarines on Sydney Harbour. Stay for lunch beside Ramsgate Beach. $5 for non-members to pay administration and insurance fees.