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Executive  Committee

President: Frank Nolan (0431 106 073)

Frank is a very enthusiastic president who is always open to suggestions on how to grow our club. He is a good listener and he is always inclusive at Committee Meetings and gives each member the chance to give their opinion on matters arising. At General Meetings he is friendly and welcoming and follows the agenda closely so that the meetings are not too drawn out! He encourages member participation and enjoys mingling with members at morning tea and at other events held by the club. He brings a wealth of experience through his other community involvements.

Secretary: Glenn Hartwick (0410 500 749)

Glenn’s main role as Secretary is to support the President to ensure the Management Committee functions smoothly. He is responsible for ensuring Meetings are effectively organised and minuted by compiling the agendas and minutes each month in conjunction with the President. Glenn is required to maintain up-to-date records and be the key point of contact for the Club. He brings a wealth of experience to the club and will be a great asset to the team.