Arts Group:
Convenor - Merlene Beard. Phone, 04 902 4225.
The Arts Group meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 1.30pm. taking turns to meet in each other's homes. There are eight members at the present time, all working in water colour. Landscapes flowers and fruit seem to be the most popular subject matter. Lots of chat and laughter, followed by a lovely afternoon tea, which is appreciated by everyone.
Away Café:
Conveners - Allison & Ian Basire. Phone, 04 904 9121.
The Away Café Group meets at 10.00am on the second Wednesday of the month at Paraparaumu Station to catch the 10.07 train southbound. After a train journey to places like Plimmerton, Porirua or Wellington, the group then walks for a half to one hour discussing places of interest on the way. The journey always ends at an eatery where brunch is taken! The return journey always commences before 3.00pm so the Winnie's Gold Card can still be used! A different destination is chosen each month.
Literary Group:
Convener - Trish Tennant. Phone, 027 241 7910.
The Literary Group meets on the second Friday of the month from 10.00-Noon, at various homes. Bring your own writings, favourite books, poetry from childhood or adulthood or anything else of a literacy nature.
Games Group:
Convener - Irene Bayly. Phone, 04 299 2824. 021 252 6492.
The games Group meets on the third Friday of the month at 10.00am to play Rummikub, Scrabble, Backgammon and any other games such as cards. Come along and bring your game to teach others.
Movies Group:
Convener -
Currently in Recess
Gardening Group:
Convener - Annie Johnston. Phone, 021 187 4089.
The Gardening Group travels far and wide visiting many different types of gardens and related places. The group meets usually at the Scots Hall around 9.00-9.30am on the first Thursday of the month. Shared cars transport is used with participants sharing with the petrol cost. Admission prices vary and somtimes a donation is all that is required. Morning tea, and/or lunch are part of the planning process to each garden visited!
Jigsaw Group:
Convener - Delza Raynor. Phone, 04 299 5388. 021 170 3374.
Meets on the second Monday of the month, at 15 Telford Way, Raumati Beach. There is a small library of jigsaws that can be borrowed to take home and make up!
Knitting for Charities Group:
Convener - Heather Wakeling. Phone, 04 902 2285. 027 271 2290.
Heather Wakeling hosts the Knitting for Charities Group at 18 Lorna Irene Drive, Raumati South at 1.30pm on the last Monday of the month. . The wonderful ladies are producing great garments. Rugs and baby garments are made for new mums at Paraparaumu Maternity Hospital. We support ‘Foster Hope’ for foster children. We send knitting for South Auckland families via Middlemore Hospital, baby knitting for Kenepuru Hospital, and beanies and slippers for a local school. Large rugs, which are sent via a Mission to an Eastern European country, add to our collection. The ladies are to be thanked for their amazing work. Donations of wool are always welcome!
Luncheon Group:
Convener - Kay Bell. Phone, 027 603 5769.
This group meets at a different local eatery on the last Friday of the month, directly after the clubs monthly meeting finishes at the Scots Hall.
Music Group:
Convener - Peter Sander. Phone, 04 904 8452.
This Music Group meets on the second Monday of the month at each others residences when the host chooses the music to be listened to, be it, classical, modern, big band, pop or cultural.
Shows/Concerts Group:
Convener - Hazel Ollerenshaw, Phone 04 904 7243. 021 108 9513.
There is no fixed meeting date for this group. It meets when there is a show or concert that they want to see, is on! By doing group bookings the costs can be kept to a minimum.
Sunday Walkers:
Convener - Kay Bell. Phone, 027 603 5769.
This group meets at 9.30am every Sunday morning at one of the many walking locations around the Kapiti Coast. The walks last about an hour and definitely includes a coffee/tea stop.
Natural Heritage Group:
Convener - Margaret Willard. Phone 027 363 2967.
More details on this new group later.
Wine Appreciation Group:
Convener - Kevin Morris. Phone, 04 905 0019.
Meeting on the third Sunday of the month at each others residences where the host chooses
the wine and conducts the tasting, thereof! There is a waiting list for this group!
History of the Wine Appreciation Group.
In 2006-2007 John Head, a then committee member, took on the role of promoting Interest
Following discussion with Meg Pilcher, Russell Hodder, Ted Varcoe and Jack Futter, arrangements
were made to hire a room in the Community Centre for the third Friday evening of each month
for wine tasting. A small fee would be paid by members to cover the hire of the room and the
cost of the wines. An authority on wines was invited to bring a small selection for us to taste.
We were given a general talk on the background of each wine, its qualities, aromas, etc.
There was a certain amount of promotion of the wines involved at the end of the tasting.
Judith Gallocher suggested that we might wind up the year, moving it to midday on the third
Sunday of the month. As host, she would buy and talk, generally, on approximately 3 wines
(each member would pay a small fee as coverage). This would be followed be a shared lunch.
It proved to be so enjoyable that it was decided to continue in this way, rotating around homes
where there was sufficient room to accommodate all members.
Barbara Sander, a convenor of long standing, always discussed with the group how accumulated
funds would be used and so tea/coffee supplies along with disposable plates etc were purchased
and later on a quantity of wine glasses. As convenor she organised a trip to Martinborough with
visits to 6 wineries, the final including a very special lunch.
The group usually starts the year in February with wine tasting followed by a barbeque and
finishes in November with a meal at a restaurant, wines being provided from funds.
This Interest Group, now numbering 23, has proved to be relaxed, happy and friendly, sharing
information about wines while not being too serious over protocols, agreeing if one enjoys a
certain wine, that is all that matters.
Written by Lucy Faulkner.