Synopsis of Probus and Putney-Tennyson Combined Probus Club
Since the first clubs were established in New Zealand (1974) and Australia (1976), Probus has grown at an astonishing rate and is administered by Probus South Pacific Limited based in Parramatta, NSW. Probus is worldwide in 23 countries - the word Probus being a derivative of two words, professional and business. The success of the organisation is seen through the commitment of members and the wide recognition of Probus as a community service program. The Probus philosophy - friendship, fellowship and fun.
In 2007, with sponsorship from Probus South Pacific and Rotary, advertisements were placed in the local papers for a meeting to be held at the Putney-Tennyson Bowling Club. This meeting was attended by officials from both Probus South Pacific and Rotary. Forty potential members came to the meeting and a committee was formed.
President - Frank Dobosi |
Secretary - Pamela Park | |
Vice President - Tom Gait | Treasurer - Eric Cairnduff |
Permission was granted to form a Probus Club and the Committee agreed to meet the third Thursday of each month at Putney-Tennyson Bowling and Community Club. Application for Accreditation was sought and granted shortly after the foundation meeting. The membership rapidly grew to 90 members and today our membership is maintained around 130.
As members were retirees, they had quite diverse interests in the activities of the Club and so it remains today. Lawn bowls, golf, kayaking, walking groups, theatre and day/extended and overseas tours to name a few.