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April Newsletter:


Ladies Probus Club of Orange, Inc.

                                         PO Box 1698, Orange, NSW.


 President:  Elaine Eddy                                      Immediate Past President: Diane Melville

 Phone:0428656690                                             Vice President: Pat Devenish

  Minute and Correspondence                            Phone:63613549                                                              

 Secretary: Roberta Read                                     Guest Speaker Officer: Sue Pattison

 Phone:  0408346898                                            Phone: 0427588805

 Carer: Madge Williams                                        Treasurer: Liz Armitage                                                                                                                           Phone: 040824060                                                 Phone: 0408282118   

Newsletter, Apologies: Liz Armitage                   Assistant Treasurer: Lyn  James

Phone:0408282118                                                Phone: 63626260

    Trips and Outings: Sue Pattison

    Phone: 0427588805


                                             July 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to all our members and guests, may your day be full of fun, friendship, and good health for all.

Our last month’s guest speaker was Philippa Mitchell giving us all the info on the successful fitting and comfort afforded by her bras. I’m sure she will see benefits as I, for one, have made an appointment to have a fitting as I gather others have as well. It is great to support a local business.

Today we will hear from Bridget Kerr on the building of the new Conservatorium and Planetarium.

Next month, August, a change of pace to something very meaningful with the present stress caused by cost-of-living pressures on many households. We shall welcome Sue Clarke from the local Food Bank. Your committee thought it would be a nice idea if everyone brought along a can or two or packet of nonperishable items to be collected to contribute to their coffers. Just make sure they are not past “best before” date!!

September, Jo Webster from the hospital on wound care.

Both the lunch at the Metropolitan Hotel and the Christmas in July lunch in Blayney were well attended. The licensee of the Metropolitan gave an interesting run down of its history and we must thank Sue for her thoughtfulness in getting us in the Christmas spirit in Blayney with Trivia, crackers and lucky door prizes. Both outings were great get togethers, good food, fun, fellowship and the true meaning of Probus. A  few husbands in attendance was good to see.

Next month, a trip to Stuart Town on the train with lunch at the pub on Friday 18th August. $2.50 due today for train fare and pay for own lunch. Be at the Railway Station at 11.45am for train.

In October, a trip to Cowra for lunch being planned. A possible combined lunch with the other clubs at the Ex-Services Club on 11th October to celebrate Probus month and also the Men’s Club have a 4-day trip to the Hunter Valley on offer in November. An information sheet on display today for those interested.

Due to lack of interest, we have cancelled the coffee mornings for the winter and will reassess in a few months’ time.

In case you haven’t heard from the 31st of July the main PO will be moved to shop 22 in the City Centre due to renovations at the PO. All services, mail, stamps, payment of bills etc will be available from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.


That’s all folks, Liz.

Next committee meeting, 11th August.

Next general meeting, 23rd August.