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We have been to lots of interesting places together; some near, some far away.  Day trips have included visits to:

* Wendy Whiteley's Secret Garden, Lavender Bay

* Vaucluse House, Sydney

* The Maritime Museum, Sydney

*  The Australian Motorlife Museum, Kembla Grange

* The Reserve Bank of Australia, Martin Place

* Gallipoli Mosque, Auburn.

*  A Car Rally around the Illawarra 

*  Sydney Ferry excursion

*  Picnics in all the most beautiful places around the Illawara Region

*  The Illawarra Historical Museum, Wollongong 

*  Lunches at different venues around the Illawarra

* Cockatoo Island, Sydney Harbour 

* The Chinese Gardens, Darling Harbour

(See the photos on subsequent pages.)