AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


Membership and fees

We currently have a maximum of 125 members. We always welcome new applicants though sometimes have a waiting list for new members. We ask new applicants to attend three of our events (including two meetings) before being invited to join the club so that members can meet them and they can familiarise themselves with the club.

Membership subscription for members is $50 per year, payable in April. Members who join during a year pay a pro rata subscription.The subscription covers all the club’s running costs including morning teas and the annual levy per member paid to the central coordinating office, Probus South Pacific Ltd.

Visitors are charged $5 per meeting until they become members. A small entry fee is charged for new members to cover the cost of badges, etc.

If you are interested in membership, please contact the club’s Membership Officer, email [email protected]

