AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Next meeting 24th August 10.00 At NEWNHAM HOTEL

Executive Committee
President - Brian Lobb 0438 564 749 [email protected]
Vice President - John Carlson: 0407 931 844 [email protected]
Vice President - Dennis Purcell 0466 458 019 [email protected]
Secretary - Carwyn Arnold 0400 227 884 [email protected]
Treasurer - Veronica Baldry 0487 218 120 [email protected]
Immediate Past President -Narelle Carlson 0419 708 558 [email protected]
Management Committee
Assistant Secretary - Heather Irvine 0416 207 914 [email protected]
Attendance Officer - Graham Underwood 0407 678 250 [email protected]
Outings-BBQ- Sylvia & Graham Underwood 0407 678 250 [email protected]
Theatre Judy Buckley 0416 474 646 [email protected]
Guest Speaker Coordinator Kay Wilkinson 0481 765 499 [email protected]
Luncheon Dine Out Gill Ingersole 0421 226 614 [email protected]
Evening Dine Out - Heather Irvine 0416 207 914 [email protected]
Welfare Officer Veronica Baldry 0487 218 120 [email protected]
Newsletter Editor - Dennis Purcell 0466 458 019 [email protected]
Romeos John Carlson 0407 931 844 [email protected]
Operation Standing Orders of Probus Club of Mt

Gravatt Pacific

1 A standing resolution regarding the outings for

our club was discussed.

Standing Resolution- Cancellation before 7 days
then refund will be given if the closing date for
the provider was not earlier.
After 7 days NO REFUND will be given.
One member can transfer their seat to another
member but must advise the trip co-ordinator


Moved by Catherine Wagner Seconded by
Hector Beveridge. Carried 25th July 2018

Bank Details
BSB – 124 002 Acc No. 22846503 Probus
Club of Mt Gravatt Pacific Inc.
This can be used for making payments direct
to the account. An Example would be
payment for Membership fees, e.g. You
would put in the reference “Membership &
your name”
That way we would know what the
payment is for & whose payment it is.

Don’t for get to wear your name badge
to meetings & outings!
Fines are $1 for meetings
50c for an outing

Best wishes to these members. If there is a new or prospective member whose birthday, I have missed
please put your hand up at the next meeting! I apologise if your name hasn’t yet made it to my list!


At our last meeting one of our Vice Presidents prepared a questionnaire on the number of members
that would be going or probably be going to the events planned for Oktoberfest.
The results of the survey revealed that: -
4 were most popular with (20-30 positive responses)
5 had medium popularity (10-19 positive responses)
3 were Least popular (less than 9 positive responses)
The most popular was the formal dinner prepared by student on the Hospitality Course, the dinner is 3 courses at a
cost of $45.Unfortunately 29 members indicated an interest in attending and we could only obtain a booking for 20
so the first 20 to pay with our Treasurer will be the lucky ones.
At the other end of the scale, the least popular is the cabins and caravanning luxury trip to Golden Beach,
and our Board games at Carindale Library. In both these events only 8 members have expressed an interest
and some of these may not go, therefore we need final numbers at our August meeting.

Thoughts for August

If you keep people at arm’s length for long enough, you may find when you lower your arm, there is no one there


If our only talent is for loving, perhaps we have been given the greatest gift of all

Bank details: BSB - 124002
Account number - 22846503
Name - Probus Club of Mt. Gravatt Pacific INC
Payee Details - Fees (add name)


Please contact me in regards to any member who may be sick or suffering bereavement, so that the
club may offer assistance.

At our August meeting, Kay has organised for Rod Preston to come and entertain us
once again. Rod is one guest speaker you don’t want to miss. This time his subject is
“Convicts, Poms and Flashers”
In October we have Brian Doyle character artist and Dr. Sharon Hetherington to
entertain us. Dr Sharon Hetherington is a researcher in the field of healthy ageing. She is
also co-founder of My Active Attitude, a business specialising in promoting health and
wellbeing for all. Sharon's presentation in October will focus on ways to de-stress your life. It will be a mix
of science and practical tips with some fun audience participation thrown in.
Regarding Carpooling for Probus outings.
Make sure you read and understand the
email sent by Carwyn to ALL members on

th August

Event Where Contact Date Time
Theatre Booking Cinderella Judy 0416 474 646 17 Aug 13.00
Sunday coffee Southern Cross Club Carwyn 0400 227 884 21 Aug 10.30
CLUB MEETING Newham Hotel Fay Bullock 0439 490 976 24 Aug 10.00
Page Turners Book club Townhouse Carindale Carmel 0422 449 413 24 Aug 14.30
Romeos Breakfast & coffee Carina Leagues Club John 0407 931 844 1 Sept 8.00
Craft Carina Heights Dale 0488 552 585 5 Sept 10.00
Executive Meeting Carindale Library Carwyn 0400 227 884 9 Sept 13.30
Menopause -The Musical SUN PAC Sunnybank Catherine 3216 8927 10 Sept 19.30
Luncheon at Stones Corner Burmese Fusion Gill 0421 226 614 14 Sept 11.45
Theatre Booking at QPAC Girl from North Country Judy 0416 474 646 14 Sept 13.30
Sunday coffee TBA Heather 0416 207 914 18 Sept 10.30
Evening Dine out Club Southside Heather 0416 207 914 19 Sept 18.00
Outing (Game of Croquet) Wynnum Croquet Club Sylvia 0407 678 250 21 Sept 10.00
CLUB MEETING Newham Hotel Graham U 0407 678 250 28 Sept 10.00
Page Turners Book club Townhouse Carindale Carmel 0422 449 413 28 Sept 14.30
Probus Day Barefoot Bowls Mt Gravatt Bowls Club Carwyn 0400 227 884 I Oct TBA
Luncheon at Holland Park Holland Park Hotel Gill 0421 226 614 12 Oct 11.45
Gardening Club Roma Street Parklands Cliff 0414 546 822 14 Oct 9.45
Executive Meeting Carindale Library CANCELLED PROBUS MONTH 14 Oct
Luncheon at Broadbeach Kurrawa Surf Club Gill 0421 226 614 19 Oct 11.45
CLUB MEETING Newham Hotel Graham U 0407 678 250 26 Oct 10.00
Melbourne Cup Party Newham Hotel Carwyn 0400 227 884 1 Nov TBA
Craft Carina Heights Dale 0488 552 585 7 Nov 10.00
Luncheon at Woolloongabba Easy Times Brewing Co Gill 0421 226 614 9 Nov 11.45
Management Meeting Carindale Library Carwyn 0400 227 884 11 Nov 14.30
CLUB MEETING Newham Hotel Graham U 0407 678 250 23 Nov 10.00
Page Turners Book club Townhouse, Carindale. Carmel 0422 449 413 23 Nov 14.30
Theatre Booking at QPAC Mary Poppins Judy 0416 474 646 30 Nov 13.00
Christmas Party Newnham Hotel Graham U 0407 678 250 7 Dec 11.30


Formal dinner at TAFE
Thursday 13th October

Maximum of 20 seats. First to pay gets a seat
(Check with Veronica 0487 218 120 before paying)

$45.00 Per person
Wynnum Croquet Club 14th Sept 14th Sept $18.00 Per person
Probus Day Barefoot Bowls 16th Sept 16th Sept $18.00 Per person
Mary Poppins 16th Sept 16th Sept $79.90 Per person
Menopause -The Musical 24th Aug 24th Aug $69.90 Per person

This Photo by Unknown
LUNCHEON Wednesday 14 September 2022 Time: 11.45am for 12 noon
BURMESE FUSION (Thai-Burmese Cuisine), 23/405 Logan Rd, Stones Corner

This is a casual BYO restaurant with an alfresco dining area
serving authentic Thai and Burmese food with a great $9.90 lunch
menu. Bring your own alcohol (for wine, there is a $2.50 charge
for each person who requires a wine glass, for BYO beer there is no
charge). On street parking is available or 2 hours free parking in
the Aldi carpark which is accessed in Cleveland Street.
Please put your name on the Burmese Fusion luncheon sheet if you
would like to go or contact Gill on 0421 226 614 or by email
[email protected]
October 12 – Holland Park Hotel
October 19 Day on the Rail Lunch – Kurrawa Surf Club
November 9 – Easy Times Brewing Co (Woolloongabba)

Also, if anyone has a favourite place to dine out and would like to share it with the group,
please let me know

Upper Mt Gravatt. This is one of the best attended social activities in our club. We
regularly have in excess of 20 attend the dinner. But very happy to increase this
number. Please contact Heather as she books for whatever number which to come.
Next dinner 19th September


Wednesday 21 September, we have arranged for our club to have a fun morning playing croquet at
We will meet at the club at 10am for morning tea followed by a game of croquet. The club will provide all
the equipment, some volunteer coaches and the use of their kitchen.
Morning tea will be provided. COST FOR GAME AND MORNING TEA $18
Lunch afterwards at Wynnum RSL (OWN EXPENSE) 174 Tingal Rd, Wynnum QLD 4178
We had to change the venue as the Boat Club had a function which would not finish until later in the day
The RSL is very close to the Croquet Club so will be an easy move to lunch
Graham and I attended a very informative Probus workshop last Friday where ideas and information were
shared with many other clubs with regard to outings, both day trips and longer vacations of several days.
Several bus/tour companies were there to tell us what they offer so we will share this with you all.
There are some very exciting trips on offer so we will try to organise some adventures in 2023.

Our happy group met in July to discuss the book ‘The Riveria House’ by Natasha Lester. Everyone loved
the book and praised Natasha’s writing as well.
This month we will meet to discuss Shirley’s choice ‘The Murder Rule’ by Irish crime writer and bestselling
author Dervla McTiernan. On the front cover of the book, it says: ‘no one is innocent in this story’ sounds
interesting don’t you think?
Our book for September is Judy’s choice ‘The Nowhere Child’ by Christian White.
A book can take you many places without you even leaving the house

At our recent meeting four of us enjoyed coffee, cake and company. We also were a bit creative! Making
pony tail holders for the “Care for Kids” Kits.
Next meeting is 5th September but I will not do a meeting in October due to all the other events on and a
long weekend.
The usual time in November will be the day Monday 7th

Our last outing was to Beelarong Community Farm on Wednesday 3 August which was a beautiful sunny
13 of our members enjoyed an informative morning with our guide Jean looking at the extensive food
orchard, vegie plots, compost making, chicken coops, herb spirals and even a street library. Jams and
chutneys are sold from produce produced on the farm.
We joined in with their regular monthly meeting while enjoying a yummy morning tea.


NOW if you want to be part of the fun don’t miss out. Put your name down for our
next fabulous outing to:
Where: Roma Street Parklands
When: Friday, 14 October at 9.45 a.m. (walk starts 10 a.m.)
Meet at The Hub for ’20 Years of Roma Street Parklands’ tour
Followed by lunch at The Garden Room café

After the Roma Street Parklands outing there will not be any more Gardening Group outings for 2022. Next
year we are planning bi-monthly outings.

I will be away from this Saturday until the end of August, so for Coffee catchup for 21th
August please rsvp to Carwyn 0400 227 884 so she can make the bookings.
Coffee catchup is normally the 3rd Sunday of the month. The Venue to be decided.
Please Contact Heather if you wish to join the coffee group for details. 0416 207 914
Next coffee morning 21st August

meetings and outings

Extract from Courier Mail Wayne Bennett’s powerful message to EVERY man

Just a quick note about our ROMEOS day
out. Eight members from our club attended
along with three members from Coorparoo
Probus next at Oxley Golf Club for a
morning of mini golf day. It was a beautiful
day, excellent venue and great company. It
just makes you feel good being at the golf
club in the early morning.
We were very pleased that the men from
Coorparoo Probus attended and these
mixed days will be a part of our ROMEOS
days out going forward.
After some discussions it was decided that
we should try to arrange a tour of a brewery
before Xmas and the next proposed outing for our ROMEOS group will be on Thursday 1st September for a breakfast
and chat at Carina Leagues club.” Information on these planned meetings will be forwarded to all members
Well done members from both clubs.

under CC


Let us know if you’re in that (dark) space.
When you open up and talk about your problems,
you’ll realise that you’re loved and cared for,,,
Men don’t want to burden us with their problems.
We don’t want to be seen as weak.
(But) men are vulnerable and it’s ok to show it
You have to let us know So we can try to help.
Because this (suicide) helps nobody, this hurts us all

Judy has made a booking for Mary Poppins. It is for a group of 10
The date is 30 November at 1 p.m. Cost is $79.90 PAYMENT IS BY 16th SEPTEMBER PLEASE
It is extremely popular and that was the best availability on a Wednesday matinee. Of course, the date of the
November meeting was also available.
By the time the newsletter is published 4 of us will have enjoyed Cinderella.
GIRL FROM THE NORTH COUNTRY It’s a musical of some acclaim having Bob Dylan songs - it’s
about the depression in America which sounds depressing but is a huge success WEDNESDAY 14
SEPTEMBER at 1.30PM $79.90 PAY BY 6 JULY


SUN PAC at Sunnybank, the date is Saturday, 10th September at 7.30pm and the cost is $69.90.
Men are more than welcome, and who knows, it might explain everything!!!
“Please let Catherine know by our next Meeting, Wednesday, 24th August and pay no later than that date.
If you are interested, please put your name down on the attendance list at the meeting or contact me by
either e-mail [email protected] or phone Catherine Wagner on 3216 8967.

Ekka holiday yesterday, ten of us manned the sausage sizzle at Bunnings Wecker Road, Mansfield. We had
a very busy day and managed to net $1370.

For those that like stats – we sold:
Sausages 33kg
Bread 25 loaves
Onions 10kg
Drinks 130

Our major thanks to member Graeme Smith who trawls the supermarkets
to gain the best possible prices especially for drinks, sauces etc. and
manages to keep us all in line for the day.
Our next event is scheduled for 28 August, so pop in and say g’day. Thanks Heather

My name is Cliff Heinrich and I was born in Adelaide where I lived with my family on a dairy farm and
market garden until I was 10. We then moved to 1100 acres in the South East of South Australia where my
father ran a sheep and cattle property.

I am one of four boys and a girl and we grew up on the land working hard and
enjoying country pursuits. The local town of Greenways consisted of a general store,
oval, tennis court, telephone box and not a lot more. Even so there was always lots
going on, gymkhanas, sports and of course in those days balls which was the
highlight for the district.
At 17 I was secretary of the Greenways Younger Set which raised money for charity
sponsoring an entrant in the Miss SA Quest.
Not being cut out for the farm I left at 19 and returned to Adelaide where I worked in
retail for a number of years. I later became self-employed running a snack bar for
three years.

By this time Cynthia and I were married with two children. When our children were aged 6 and 4 our work

situation changed. I became Mr. Mum, before it was the done thing, and Cynthia went back to work full-
time. During this time, I learned Mum’s role is pretty full on. I learnt to stretch sew during this time and

made the children’s clothes until they were older and wouldn’t be seen dead in them.
During this time, I started a lawnmowing round which developed into a landscaping business which I ran for
10 years.
I have been a cub leader and group leader of a scout group and even filled in for brown owl at Brownies on
one occasion. I have been a member of Lions back in Adelaide for 18 years.

I have worked as a florist during my retail career and did all the flowers for both my daughter and daughter-
in-law’s weddings.

At 58 I had a total change and started working as a maintenance person in aged care. I absolutely loved this
job and my involvement with the ‘oldies’.
Cynthia and I both retired in August 2014, sold our home of 42 years and moved to Brisbane to be close to
our daughter and family.
Having said most definitely we did not want a renovator or stairs we ended up buying a renovator’s delight
with stairs and have since renovated and extended it.
We have settled into the Brisbane lifestyle, very happy with our move, but also spend time in Castlemaine,
Victoria with our son, daughter-in-law and 3 other grandchildren.
We have joined various activities, including Probus, and I have even taken up painting which I am really
We are looking forward to seeing more of Queensland now our renovations are completed and Covid is
hopefully becoming more manageable.
Thanks, that’s me done.


If you are unable to attend the AUGUST meeting, please contact Fay Bullock 0439 490 976.
For September or future meetings, please advise Grahame Underwood 0407 678 250.
This will allow us to invite prospective members or guests. Remember we are limited to a maximum of 64
people at the Newham Hotel and we don’t want empty chairs.
Meeting attendance record Female Male Non attendance

No of
Percent of
Percent of
Percent of
Percent of
who didn't
attend &
failed to
25/5/22 66 50 75% 36 72% 14 28% 16 25% 7 44%
22/6/22 69 56 81% 40 71% 16 28% 12 17% 1 1%
27/7/22 72 51 71% 36 71% 15 29% 23 32% 4 17%


October 2022
1 Saturday 1-Oct Barefoot Bowls Mt. Gravatt Bowls
2 Tues to Fri 4 Oct - 7 Oct Cabins/Caravans Caloundra Beach Holiday Park
3 Monday 10-Oct Line dancing Easts Leagues club
4 Wednesday 12-Oct Lunch lineout Holland Park Hotel
5 Thursday 13-Oct Hospitality Dinner TAFE at South Bank
6 Friday 14-Oct Gardening Roma St. Parklands
7 Monday 17-Oct Movies Dendy Coorparoo
8 Wednesday 19-Oct Train trip Sth Brisbane to Helensvale
9 Lunch dineout Kurrawa Surf Club Gold Coast
10 Friday 21-Oct Board Games Carindale Library
11 Tuesday 25-Oct Evening dineout Club Southside
12 Wednesday 26-Oct Monthly meeting Newnham Hotel
13 Thursday 27-Oct Mini Golf Oxley
14 Saturday 29-Oct Spring Carnival Derby Day Eagle Farm Race course
The Octoberfest information and dates may change but are correct at time of printing

If you have any comments, jokes, photos of group activities, your anniversary (with photo) or input for the
newsletter please forward to [email protected]
This Club Newsletter is PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL for Probus use only and may not be used for any other purpose