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Matthew Jones, local Manager of Drakes Supermarkets was introduced. 31 years in the business he has served as Manager for 17 years with 100 to 130 employees in our area.

After establishing their own Warehouse in Edinburgh SA, Drakes separated from the Foodland brand and now have 70 stores in Australia including Queensland.


COVID lockdowns in 2020 created a new scene in business endeavours. He recalled the shortage of toilet paper – the shortages of other stock, the increased local trade due to folk travelling intra-state rather than overseas, and the advantage of having their own warehouse. It was a most challenging time for all concerned.


Matthew continued his enlightening address mentioning the fierce competition in this industry, food wastage and plans to radically reduce such, home delivery options, property expansion and local heritage considerations, all these impact on decision making.

He also emphasized the importance of staff training for specific departments and the occupational health and safety aspects for modern standards. Matthew then fielded a barrage of questions from members before accepting thanks from Shirley Arney on behalf of all present.


A super lunch was shared by members and guests to conclude the meeting.


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