AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

                              ABOUT US


Monash Combined Probus Club is a mixed gender club with a membership of around 80.

We meet at the Mount Waverley Youth Centre, 45 Miller Crescent, Mount Waverley (adjacent to the Library) at 10.00am on the1st Friday of each month from February to November, with our Christmas luncheon on the 1st Friday of December. Our postal address is Box 3034 Syndal Victoria 3149

Meetings start with brief business meeting followed by short reports on monthly activities and a 5 minute talk by a member followed by a social morning tea.  After morning tea and social chat an informative guest speaker entertains us for an hour with the meeting closing at 12 noon.

Our joining fee is $20.00 and our annual subscription is $40.00. This includes morning tea, club affiliation, insurance cover when engaged in Probus activities and a copy of the Probus produced Active Retiree magazine.

Members are encouraged to participate in our activities, to lead activities and join our management committee.

For more information see our Contact Us page.