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 What is our purpose?

The Combined Probus Club of Mana’s aim is to promote fun, friendship and fellowship for retirees. We provide opportunities to meet regularly and to make new friends. We encourage healthy minds and bodies through social interaction and activities.


Who are our members?

The Probus Club of Mana is a club for retired and semi-retired people. Although we meet in Whitby, our members come from various suburbs - Aotea, Paremata, Whitby, Mana, Pauatahanui, and Plimmerton. We have 100+ members, both men and women.


What do we do?

We meet the second Monday of the month, from 9.30-11.30am, at Anchor Church,corner of James Cook Drive and Joseph Banks Drive, Whitby. There is ample parking at the venue.



Each meeting consists of

  • Club notices

  • A short talk by a club member about some aspect of their life

  • Morning tea

  • A guest speaker – a broad range of topics is covered.


How do I join?

See the contact page

Our subscription is $35 per annum.