THURSDAY, 21st NOVEMBER, 2024 Leichhardt Bowling Club, 88 Piper Street, Lilyfield, accessible by both steps and ramp. Meet at the club for an 11.00 a.m. start. If staying for lunch after the meeting, please order at the bistro either before the meeting or at the coffee break. The speaker this month will be Karon Coombes, author of THE GRIEF JOURNEY. Karon will bring along information flyers with names of support services. Karon's book will be available for purchase on the day at a very reduced price of $10 (cash only). You may bring non-perishable food donations to the November meeting for the Matthew Talbot Hostel organisation. The food will be included in food parcels to the homeless. If you are an apology for the meeting, please advise Di Williams, [email protected]. |
WEDNESDAY 27TH NOVEMBER. Hop on and hop off to review all stations. Meet at the Southern Entrance to Gadigal station 135 Bathurst Street at 10.00a.m. Plan is to hop off and have a look at the location of each station and artwork. Also to have a coffee at one station and possibly lunch at Chatswood station. All stations expected to have disability access.
RSVP to Gayle by 24th November [email protected]
THURSDAY, 5th December, 2024 The Royal Hotel, 156 Norton Street, Leichhardt. Trivia starts promptly at 3.00 p.m. Please arrive by 2.45 p.m. so you have time to buy a drink before the start. Please RSVP to Susan Tremont [email protected].au by 25th November. Numbers are limited to 18. |
THURSDAY, 12th December, 2024, at The Little Snail, 3/50 Murray St, Pyrmont. Be there by noon. Closest Light Rail Station – Pyrmont Bay $40 per head, payable to our bank account online by our November meeting (21 November). If you can’t pay online, then rather than going to the bank to do this in person, please pay Gail, Roberta or Bronwyn in cash at the November meeting. Every time you go to the teller you are generating a $5 fee that the club needs to pay. BSB: 062-770, Account: 10239279 Beverage will be extra. Please bring gold coin for a tip. Accessibility: We will be downstairs. There are about three steps to get up from the street, with a handrail on right hand side. RSVP by November meeting Gayle Finn [email protected] |
JANUARY 2025 |
`Note that other activities may be added later |
TUESDAY, 7th JANUARY, 2025 Meet at the Norton St Palace Cinema at 10.30 a.m. Please review what movie you want to see prior to coming. Accessible by both stairs and lift. After the movies we will be having lunch at the Norton St Irish pub. Please RSVP no later than 2nd January to [email protected]. |
INCOMPLETE. Note that other activities are likely to be added later |
THURSDAY, 6th FEBRUARY, 2025 1P.M. at the Leichhardt Bowling Club. Any member can attend, you don’t need to be on the Committee. If you want lunch beforehand, please arrive at around 12.30pm. |
THURSDAY, 6TH FEBRUARY, 2025 The Royal Hotel, 156 Norton Street, Leichhardt. Trivia starts promptly at 3.00 p.m. Please arrive by 2.45 p.m. so you have time to buy a drink before the start. Please RSVP to Susan Tremont [email protected].au by 30th January. Numbers are limited to 18. |
TUESDAY, 11th FEBRUARY, 2025 (To Be Confirmed) Meet at the Norton St Palace Cinema at 10.30 a.m. Please review what movie you want to see prior to coming. Accessible by both stairs and lift. After the movies we will be having lunch at the Norton St Irish pub. Please RSVP no later than 7th February to [email protected]. |
THURSDAY, 20th FEBRUARY, 2025 Leichhardt Bowling Club, 88 Piper Street, Lilyfield, accessible by both steps and ramp. Meet at the club for an 11.00 a.m. start. If staying for lunch after the meeting, please order at the bistro either before the meeting or at the coffee break. If you are an apology for the meeting, please advise Di Williams, [email protected]. |