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16th October 2019

Heather Hart (StrokeSafe)


How long have you been a StrokeSafe Ambassador?

This is my first year. I have been a registered nurse for 45 years and more recently spent 21 years at the Canberra Hospital in the Neuroscience Unit. During that time I cared for many stroke survivors.


Why did you decide to become a StrokeSafe Ambassador?

I wish to help spread the StrokeSafe message including the FAST message to help save lives and reduce suffering and disability.

What do you hope to achieve in your community as a StrokeSafe Ambassador?

I hope to reach as many people in the community as possible to alert them to the StrokeSafe message – to know their numbers and recognise the symptoms of stroke and the importance of seeking urgent medical attention to save lives and improve outcomes.



16th November 2019


Jennifer Milward (Australian War Memorial)


Online Reference Manager from the Australian War Memorial's research centre will be talking to us about the boy soldiers on the "Roll of Honour".