Applications to Join
We are always looking to welcome for active retirees and semi retirees to become involved with us at Kogarah Probus Club.
To try us out, no obligation, come to one of our monthly meetings held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the St George Motorboat Club. Our meetings start at 9:45. To have a chat call Bonnie on 0468 830 091 or Jennifer on 0438 373 797
You can pick up an application form at our meeting or you can download one here. Once you have completed it, please give to one of our Committee Members at the meeting.
We charge a $15 joining fee to cover paraphanalia that is included in your induction pack. It can be paid here.
The annual membership fee is struck each year at our AGM. Currently this is $60.00 pro rated quarterly. It can be paid here.