Activity GroupsActivity Convenor – Bruce Pollard - 0439 367 515Book Club – Caz Gallagher – 0417 040 337 Meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 12pm – 2pm over lunch, at a member’s home. (Bring your own lunch). We discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. Book Club No 2 – Narelle Wowk - 0450 350 663 Meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 10am. The Book Club No. 2 is a group of people with a love of reading, who meet to discuss a book or books they have read and express their opinions, likes and dislikes, etc. No matter how serious the book discussions are, just getting together and chatting on a regular basis can be fun! Our book club can help you meet new people and make new friends, all in a relaxed atmosphere. It is a great addition to your social calendar, being low key and inexpensive. So come along to gain new perspectives, decrease stress, keep your brain healthy and expand the genre of books and authors you normally read. Bowls – Joe Turner - 0434 874 818, assisted by Hazel Turner – 8883 2450 Bowls is not a game for older people – it is a sport that older people can play. This sport offers a great opportunity to exercise, get into the fresh air, socialise and have some fun. Initial coaching by our own qualified coach with bowls available for you to make a start and your fellow club members ready and willing to welcome and guide you. Meets at the Castle Hill Bowling Club on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at 9am. We have 31 club members registered with the group. So, what are you waiting for? Check in with Joe and Hazel at our next meeting. Bus, Train & Ferry - Janet Dempsey - 0411 600 235 and Tilly Chetty - 0405 189 323 This group has a monthly excursion, usually on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, by Bus, Train, Ferry and Light Rail, and sometimes all four, to interesting locations within a day’s travel. It allows members the opportunity to explore the city and its surrounds. Lunch can be purchased at local cafes. Coffee and Chat – Betty Johnston – 0407 413 470 A group that meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 10am at a local cafe to enjoy each other's company, have coffee and a good chat. A relaxing morning and a great way to meet other members of the club. Computer Training - Manfred Kneitel - 0448 251 042Small groups of members meet to receive training on their personal devices to assist with their banking, communications, and internet security. Craft – Ann Osborn – 0402 333 326 At our craft meetings, which are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 10am – 1pm, at a member’s home, we bring a craft item that we have been working on. This varies from knitting, crochet, quilting, patchwork, embroidery or anything new that comes up. We work on our own pieces but help each other out when needed. It is a very social group with lots of discussions on topical issues as we enjoy our cup of tea or coffee. Dinner – Stuart Hutton – 0418 660 763 and Lynne Hutton – 0411 600 711 assisted by Monica Drew 0481 862 682 and Graham Drew 0413 734 374 Meets once a month, usually on the 3rd Tuesday or Wednesday, to enjoy dinner in the company of other members and explore a variety of cuisines. The venues usually alternate between Club/Pub bistro meals and Restaurants, at which we often share banquets. Events - Monica Drew - 0481 862 682Special Events are organized throughout the year by Monica Drew. These are opportunities for Club Members to celebrate together. Games - Denise Ward - 0468 462 759Games are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at The Baulkham Hills Sports Club, Renown Road, Baulkham Hills from 10:30am - 12:30pm. Games usually played are Scrabble, Uno and Rummibuk Garden Chat - Margaret Pelleri – 0412 242 145 and Sue Pearce 0408 643 413 We are a small group of members who love gardens - some of us only have pots on a terrace these days, but our love of gardens and the outdoors brings us together. We meet on 1st Thursday of each month at a local coffee shop within the area. Margaret, our guru, is a fountain of knowledge and answers lots of members’ questions and in general we enjoy morning tea and chat about our gardens, bouncing ideas off each other. Every three months we endeavour to get out on a day trip and visit gardens of interest. Recently, we’ve visited Retford Park and tulip time in Bowral, viewed gardens in Glenhaven Green and joined Ross Tours on a cruise around Sydney Harbour admiring Jacaranda displays. Genealogy – Peter O’Brien – 0419 680 769 For anyone interested in Family Tree Research, we meet on the 1st Monday of the month at 10am, at a member’s home. Outings of historical and genealogical significance are also planned. We are of an age when you become curious about your origins. Don't leave it too late when you can no longer ask the older family members about your tree. And there are many sources of information that are now available on the Internet. The group's members can assist in finding information and breaking through the brick walls that can occur. The future generations will thank you for documenting their past. Lunch – Ruth Caunt 0434 577 708 and Ann Miles – 0413 237 847 We meet for lunch, usually on the last Thursday of each month, at a local café, restaurant, or hotel. It is a very informal gathering, allowing members to relax and chat while enjoying a lunch. Movies – Alan Bolt - 0419 462 507 & Linda Bolt - 0409 321 275 The Movie group meet on the 2nd Friday of each month at a local cinema to choose and see a variety of current movies. It is open to all members and is an opportunity to relax and be entertained by the silver screen. We often enjoy a coffee and chat before the movies, if time allows. Table of Knowledge – Max Woodward – 0452 196 485 This is a group of members who meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month at Beanmeister Café, Salisbury Road, Castle Hill between 10am – noon. Topics for discussion include anything and everything and it is just an opportunity to have a chat with your Probus mates over a coffee. Theatre – Jan Jones – 0408 228 454 In May 2015 I founded our club’s Theatre Group, my objective being to provide members the opportunity to enjoy a variety of theatrical events on a bi monthly basis (with the added benefit of group savings). In consideration of those who are not comfortable travelling of an evening please note, most of the shows are for mid-week matinees. We are not restricted by genre or venue as the following would imply. We have supported and enjoyed both local community theatre productions “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “The Women of Lockerbie” (Castle Hill Players) to major productions of which there are many, including “My Fair Lady”, “Come from Away” and most recently “Moulin Rouge” at Sydney’s Capitol Theatre. Past events include “The Book of Mormon” and “Kinky Boots” at Sydney’s Lyric Theatre. We joined Guy Noble and the SSO at the “Last Night of the Proms” (Sydney Opera House 2016-2018); and in October 2022 we were yet again captivated by the haunting music from “The Phantom of the Opera”. Travel Discussion – Peter Brown – 0400 492 339 The Travel Discussion Group meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 10am. Group members share travel experiences and tips aimed to assist with planning an upcoming journey or journeys they may be considering. It is also to relive those great times with like-minded friends. Walking – Yaras Wowk – 0414 894 961 Walks are usually planned for the last Friday of each month and can range in duration from 2 – 5 hours and from 4 – 10 km. While mostly located in the local area, many are in other parts of the city, taking in some of the more famous landmarks. It is a great and healthy way to view and appreciate our natural surroundings with like-minded people, as well make new friends. Wine Appreciation – Carol Leaver – 0417 475 363 and Carolyn Smalls - 0419 253 465 The Wine Appreciation group meets in the homes of members on the 4th Friday of every second month. Our aim is to introduce members to different wines and different wine regions and a theme is allocated for each evening. Members bring their own bottle of wine to present and share with everyone. It is always an enjoyable experience.