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Mount Roland Tasmania


Welcome to Kentish Probus Club

  What is Probus

Probus is a social club for active members of the community who are retired or no longer working full time.

  What do we do

Our basic purpose is to advance intellectual and cultural interests among members, to provide regular opportunities to stimulate healthy minds and active bodies through social interaction and activities, expand interests and enjoy the fellowship of new friends.

You can hear interesting guest speakers and participate in a variety of outings.

  Where and when

The Kentish Probus Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 10 am to 12 noon at the Sheffield Bowls Club. New members are always welcome.  Anyone interested in joining the Club is welcome to attend as a visitor and members of other Probus Clubs are also welcome to attend as visitors.

The Club has regular outings for day or half day visits to places of interest in northern Tasmania, to attend concerts, or just for lunch.  Outings are most commonly held on the third Tuesday of the month.

Details about past and future Club activities can be found in the Club newsletters, which will be added to this website as they become available.

For more information please contact a Committee member


Kentish Probus Club was formed in 2008.  We meet in Sheffield, but have members from across the whole Kentish region and beyond and also engage for some events with members of other Probus clubs in north west Tasmania.