Entery to the Club for Meetings
Only Committee members will be allowed access to the Club At 9.15am. (There will be a list of committee members held at the front desk)
Members will gain access to the club at 9.45am No Earlier & No Exceptions.
Members are required to join Ingleburn RSL club.
Social Media
No Photos are to be posted to Facebook, Meta, Instagram, Tick Tock or Spotify and any other social media without written consent of the people who are in the photos.
Coach Trips:
The tour cancellation and refund policy.
Cancellation before 12 noon the Thursday prior to the coach trip means a full refund. Please contact Noel if cancelling. If Contact is after 12 noon on the Thursday prior to the date of the trip, no refund will be issued
Guidelines for Entertainment
The price of the ticket will include administration costs (P&H)
The payment date is final once the show is closed and final numbers are sent to the respective organisations, then a waiting list will be in effect.
Payment can be made by direct deposit into the entertainment account:
Commonwealth Bank: BSB # 062-185 Account # 10943932 description, the name of the show being paid.
Paying by cash an unsealed envelope, include your name and the show you are attending, if paying for different shows seperate envelopes are required for each show.
If paying by cash correct monies are required as change will not be given until the next meeting.
Once the tickets are purchased there is no refund.
The only time a refund will be issued is if the Stage Show is Cancelled by the Production company.
If unable to attend you are able to on sell your ticket or contact myself, I may have a waiting list.
In the event of a rail strike. you are unable to attend there is no refund issued by the organisation, sometimes bus replacement is put in place.
If you have committed to attend the lunch venue with the group and decide on the day not to attend then you will be responsible for the 10% deposit per person or the full cost ofthe meal that the club is required to pledge to pay for non attendance.
Badges are to be worn on all outings.
If any delays or problems on the day contact my mobile 0417027388 to advise.